Can This Man Prove That God Exists? Piers Morgan vs Stephen Meyer


“Meyer firmly rejects the idea that a scientific worldview leads to atheism, arguing instead that ‘the universe requires a creator or cause’….Morgan and Meyer agree that the question of God’s existence is tied to more than just cold hard facts, but also human nature itself.” - Discovery Institute


Christianity Is True, Not Just Helpful


“I’m glad so many people are rediscovering the benefits of having a transcendent anchor as individuals and a society…. But it matters deeply which faith we’re talking about, not only because happiness without truth is meaningless, but because this life isn’t all that matters.” - Breakpoint


Anselm, the Ontological Argument, Faith and Reason


“Anselm believed that the fact that humans are the kind of creatures that even raise the question of deity suggests there is something about us and the world that makes the idea of God reasonable in the first place.” - Breakpoint


Why Doesn’t God Make His Existence More Evident?


“Why didn’t God write ‘Jesus Saves’ with the stars?…. As counterintuitive as it may seem, there is no reason to believe that if God were to make His existence more manifest that more people would repent of their sin and enter into a saving relationship with Him.” - Sean McDowell


“The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the doctrinal, theological, and historical hinge-pin of Christianity.”


“Anyone can claim anything, especially in the invisible and subjective and unverifiable spiritual realm….The Bible repeatedly anchors its credibility in verifiable historical events–purposeful references to specific places, people, reigns, and incidents still verifiable by historical records even outside the Bible.” - BJU Seminary Blog


3 Lines of Evidence for Jesus’s Resurrection


“Jesus Christ’s resurrection is at the very heart of historic Christianity. It is both a central doctrine and the central supporting evidence for the truth of the faith.” - Reasons


Psalm 22: Jesus’s Crucifixion Predicted


“The fact that these well-known physiological effects of execution by crucifixion were predicted long before crucifixion was invented or employed makes the predictions all the more remarkable.” - Hugh Ross
