The long history of how Jesus came to resemble a white European


“I study the evolving image of Jesus Christ from A.D. 1350 to 1600. Some of the best-known depictions of Christ, from Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper” to Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment” in the Sistine Chapel, were produced during this period. But the all-time most-reproduced image of Jesus comes….


What Bari Weiss’ resignation from The New York Times tells us about the state of journalism


“This week should go down in journalism history as a week that finally dispelled illusions concerning Goliath Media and its increasing hostility to journalistic Davids. Whether our predominant loyalty is to conservatism or (much better) to Christ, we need to emphasize growing our own publications and competing organizationally, not just trying to place a few people in hostile territory.” - Marvin Olasky


What Don Lemon’s Declaration about Jesus’ Sinfulness Actually Reveals


“If you go on Twitter (enter at your own risk) you will see many rebukes of Don Lemon. Many Christians responded in shock at Don Lemon’s claims about Jesus’ imperfections. But I wonder if many stopped to think about what his declaration actually reveals about Christianity at large in America.” - Cripplegate


Ideology is canceling science


“To be sure, science, being a human enterprise, has never been completely free of bias and personal agendas. But the scientific method attempts to limit such subjectivity as much as possible. But to, in effect, require positive bias–though in the name of combatting negative bias–strikes at the foundation of the scientific enterprise.” - Veith


America Is in the Grips of a Fundamentalist Revival ...But It’s Not Christian.


“I know full-well that there is nothing original about observing that many Americans have transformed politics into a religion. The phrase ‘Great Awokening’ is a direct callback to arguably the most significant Christian religious revival of our nation’s past. It’s not original, nor is it surprising. We’re hard-wired for a spiritual purpose.” - David French


The Year of Stupid


“Has any people’s uprising ever been as moronic as the Great Awokening?” - N. Review


How to drain the poison of outrage out of social media


“We must refuse to participate in the ‘Internet of Beefs’ by refraining from harming others, being truthful in our pronouncements, and refraining from stealing the work, words, or reputations of others.” - Acton


Overturning Taboos & Replacing Them with New Ones


“We have been discussing the findings of Eric Kaufman, professor of politics at the University of London, whose article The Great Awokening and the Second American Revolution studies the ‘cultural revolution’ being pursued by many American progressives.


New research from the Cultural Research Center: “only 39 percent of Americans today view human life as ‘sacred’”


“More than one-in-three adults (37 percent) say ‘life is what you make it, but it has no absolute value,’ while a little more than one-in-ten say ‘life does not attain its full value until we reach our highest point of evolution and expression.’ Another one out of ten adults admitted they did not know how to appraise the value of human life.” - TGC
