What Do You Mean?

One of the most frustrating aspects of the recent civil unrest in America for me, has been trying to figure out what people mean by what they say. Am I at fault for failing to understand the plain meaning of simple words, or are the words themselves intended to obscure the real intentions of the speaker?

I am beginning to suspect it’s the latter. It seems that words are being used in a manner intended to hide, not reveal what the speaker actually means.


Veith on our summer of cultural suicide


“A civilization that hates itself and a culture that thinks its own customs, values, and traditions are evil and not worth continuing has committed suicide….What a culture or civilization does not pass down to the next generation is lost. It ceases to exist. That is how a society commits cultural suicide.” - Veith


Morality and Music


“Music today has been reduced to a performance. We listen to someone else sing. We can go to concerts, download music, or stream it via the internet. If we sing ourselves, we emulate the performers, whether in the shower or in a karaoke bar. Even music education, it seems to me, has become oriented to training professional performers, as opposed to making music for personal or corporate expression.” - Veith


The Grotesque Modern American Wedding


“It probably is not coincidence that Americans got very serious about the spectacle of the wedding right around the same time they began giving up on the idea of marriage. ‘Until death do us part’ is tough, but a ‘big day’ we can still manage. All you need is bad taste and money.” - Kevin Williamson
