USA as a “Failed Social Experiment”?


“That’s coming from the Left. But prominent figures from the Right have been saying something similar. …Some conservatives are saying that our ideology of freedom has led to the destruction of the morality that is necessary for any society….Some conservative intellectuals have gone so far as to advocate a non-democratic authoritarian government.” - Gene Veith


Will Evangelism Change as America Becomes Post-Christian?


“Derek Rishmawy and Cameron Cole discuss whether or not evangelism will change as America becomes post-Christian. They address: Growing trends…Careful, intentional use of our Christian language…The confusion of Christian jargon…” - TGC


How Social Capital Helps Communities Weather the COVID-19 Storm


My recent research, with Cary Wu, explores whether differences in social capital across counties can help explain the differences in the severity of the pandemic. … Although there are many definitions, social capital refers to the norms and relationships that facilitate coordination and resilience within a community.” - The Public Discourse


A Major Study of American Religion, with Surprises


“It is a meta-analysis—that is, a study of studies–bringing together a wide range of disparate research and analyzing the data in terms of each other to arrive at more rigorous conclusions.” - Gene Veith


Barna: More Americans Now Believe in Satan Than in God


“The third and latest report in Dr. George Barna’s American Worldview Inventory 2020 evaluated the perceptions of God that people have in the U.S. Among the survey’s most surprising findings are that more Americans believe in Satan than believe in God and that more people believe that Jesus was divine and a sinner than believe he is divine and sinless.” - Church Leaders


Poll: Coronavirus a “Wake-Up Call from God,” Say 44% of Americans


“I want share what Luke 13:4-5 says. Jesus here is responding to a question about why certain people died, and he refers to 18 people who were killed in a tragic accident. Why did they die—why did that accident happen? It’s the same question people are asking today… Why is this pandemic happening now, to us? Here was Jesus’ response in Luke 13…” - Ken Ham


God Isn’t Dead After All


“As the coronavirus forces us to eat humble pie, a society that had dismissed God finds its religious conscience stirring.” - National Review


Record low number of Americans hold biblical worldview, survey says


“Born again Christians … were three times more likely than average to have a biblical worldview (19%). However, the fact that not quite one out of five born again adults holds a biblical worldview highlights the extensive decline of core Christian principles in America over the last several decades” - CPost
