Looking for a Gospel Opening? Ask About Their Tattoo.


“Tattoos have become more and more mainstream, particularly with millennials, and especially in the United States. We must see this growing trend and understand our need to engage people—no matter what they look like on the outside.” - TGC


On Well-Intentioned Viral Campaigns


“We’re going to come to a solution, if we ever do, one person at a time, by holding ourselves accountable, speaking in wisdom, and committing to be part of the solution rather than merely ratcheting up the rage.” - Dan Olinger


The Election and the National Mood


“I think Harris is onto something, but I don’t think his distinction between the ‘bland’ and the ‘flamboyant’ quite captures it. I think the distinction is between ‘normalcy’ and ‘disruption.’” - Veith


Conservatives missed the boat on the power of culture


“Preoccupied as they were with political victories and strategies, movement conservatives were not very attentive to how the deeper beliefs and sentiments of people were evolving in the United States. Yet, political power is circumscribed by the culture of voters and what it will make them accept or reject.” - W. Examiner


Survey: “a majority of people who describe themselves as Christian (52%) accept a ‘works-oriented’ means to God’s acceptance.”


“huge proportions of people associated with churches whose official doctrine says eternal salvation comes only from embracing Jesus Christ as savior believe that a person can qualify for Heaven by being or doing good. That includes close to half of all adults associated with Pentecostal (46%), mainline Protestant (44%), and evangelical (41%) churches.
