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P&D Podcast – Interview 14: Living with Adult Children in the Home

SI Filings ⁃

“We had a great conversation about one of life’s transitions as children grow up, become adults, but for various reasons, remain living in their family home.” - P&D

Help! My Loved One Has Dementia

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“Many books on dementia offer information and practical guidance, but rarely do they invite readers into the heartbreak of this disease with such honesty, vulnerability, and hope as Karen Martin’s Memorable Loss: A Story of Friendship in the Face of Dementia.” - TGC

Andy Stanley distances himself from Al Mohler's flavor of Christianity

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“Stanley never explicitly names Mohler in his message, but he does say at the outset that he does not hold to the same version of Christianity that Mohler holds to. The rest of Stanley’s message certainly bears that out.” - Denny Burk

Biblical Worldview Conference looks at evidence for Jesus' resurrection, 'fine-tuning' of the universe

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Lee Strobel, William Lane Craig among speakers at Prestonwood apologetics conference - CPost

Should Christians Drink Intoxicating Beverages? The First Consideration

Forrest McPhail ⁃

The subject of drinking intoxicating beverages is often discussed among Christians, even leading to strong disagreements. Whether or not believers in Jesus should consume intoxicating beverages is a very important issue since drinking and drunkenness are social norms in most of the world. All Christians should know what God’s Word has to say about the matter, as well as how to apply it to their lives.

It’s Time to Release Churches from the Myth of Infinite Expansion

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“Even the largest churches stay at the top of the list for only about twenty years. Each generation has its own group of biggest congregations or fastest-growing congregations.” - Sam Rainer

Conservatives win by playing the long game

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“To live a conservative life is to live out the conviction that there are some things more important than politics: faith, family, community…. the long hard hours of being a spouse and a parent, a church elder or Little League coach…. It is also to prize truth above all else, even effectiveness.” - WORLD

The Lausanne Covenant at 50: 10 Enduring Quotes

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“2024 will also mark the 50th anniversary of the First Lausanne Congress, which saw the release of The Lausanne Covenant… one of the most significant documents in modern church history, serving as a rallying cry and commitment for evangelicals around the world.” - TGC

On Bart Barber and journalistic sloppiness – “The abused theological term was ‘fundamentalist.’”

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“The problem is that religious authorities — the voices journalists quote – keep pinning this label on others. Thus, one expert’s ‘evangelical’ is another’s ‘fundamentalist.’” - GetReligion

‘Simp,’ ‘Rizz,’ ‘Beast Mode’ and Other Neologisms Added to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary

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“Merriam-Webster went full ‘beast mode’ this year, adding 690 words to their dictionary — nearly double the amount added last year.” - Relevant

The Great End-Time Revival (Part 1)

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

It is indeed one of the great untold stories in all of the Bible—to say nothing of the prophetic future.

Did you know that a great end-time revival is promised in Holy Scripture, and that its impact will be such that it will push any previous so-called revivals or awakenings into the shadows forever?

Never Be Discouraged and Never Be a Discourager

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“ ‘I offer two pieces of wisdom… Never be discouraged and never be a discourager.’ I have thought deeply about this counsel and have decided it is good—mostly good.” - Challies

An Unholy Postmodern Synthesis – A Conversation with the Author of ‘The Identity Trap’

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“…this new ideology we’re talking about is fundamentally about forms of group identity like race, gender, and sexual orientation. It sees the world through the prism of those identities.” - L&L

AI Has No Place in the Pulpit

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“AI and ChatGPT … make a tantalizing, almost irresistible offer: They’ll do your work for you. They’ll write the sermon, exegete the passage, draft the lesson plan, and outline the discussion questions while you get to the real work of ministry.” - CToday

Roman Catholic Synod on Synodality begins next week. What's it all about?

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“The summit will bring 464 Catholic clergy and laypeople, including women, to the Vatican to discuss hot-button issues ranging from sexual abuse to LGBTQ inclusion and female ordination.” - RNS

Freedom From Religion Foundation Goes After Auburn Football Coach for Participating in Baptisms

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“Less than a year into his head coaching position at Auburn University, Hugh Freeze is making headlines for more than his work on the field. Freeze, along with Auburn coaches from other sports, recently promoted and participated in a worship event involving baptisms.” - CLeaders

Gallup: In U.S., 47% Consider Themselves ‘Religious,’ Another 33% Prefer ‘Spiritual’

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“18% say they are neither spiritual nor religious, up from 9% in 1999” - Gallup

Covenant Connections in Paul (Part 10)

Paul Henebury ⁃

Read the series.

Is the Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2:3?

On a related note, some Dispensational writers have believed that the catching up of the saints is what is in view in 2 Thessalonians 2:3:

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sinis revealed, the son of perdition.

Do Bible Readers Make Meaning?

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“Throughout most of history, people have considered the author to be the locus of meaning…. But in recent decades the discussion has progressed beyond the exclusion of the author—and even beyond the exclusive focus upon the text itself.” - Kenneth Berding

Gavin Newsom signs bill requiring gender-neutral bathrooms in California schools by 2026

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“The measure requires K-12 schools to have at least one gender-neutral bathroom by July 1, 2026, and the restroom must be available when students are present during school hours and school functions.” - CPost

Open Doors and World Relief report: Few persecuted Christians find refuge in US

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“The report, titled ‘Closed Doors,’ found the number of Christians coming to the U.S. from countries named on a prominent persecution watchlist dropped from 32,248 in 2016 to 9,528 in 2022 — a decline of 70%.” - RNS

What is one book of the Bible you often return to, and why?

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“I love the gospel of John. I am writing a commentary on Romans, and I love Romans. And I’ve written commentaries verse-by-verse through Psalms, Job, and Philippians—but John has my heart.” - Ligonier

Senate Hosts Meeting on AI without Ethicists

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“For a meeting meant to explore the future direction of AI and the ethics necessary to guide it, nearly everyone in that room had a vested financial interest in its continued growth and expansion.” - Breakpoint

A Biblical Plan for Pastoral Succession, Part 2

David Huffstutler ⁃

Read Part 1.

Practical Advice

It’s one thing to put some verses together and present a pastoral succession plan. It’s another thing to carry out this plan. The following distills many authors’ advice on pastoral succession, addressed here to key individuals and groups.

The Outgoing Pastor

1. Commit yourself to training pastors. This commitment takes focus and time. Your ministry can have continuity when you train a pastor and have him take your place.

National Association of Evangelicals launches test to assess, foster racial justice

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“The online ‘Racial Justice Assessment tool,’ posted on the organization’s website… is designed to provide users with suggestions of books, videos, articles and online courses to consider based on their answers to a brief survey about racism and equality.” - RNS

On unbundling people: “too often today, we reduce people to one aspect of who they are”

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“Our current culture views the world and people through a cheapened simplicity…. Can we outgrow our sterile, static view of others, and challenge ourselves to hold in mind multiple traits and characteristics of others—both virtue and vice—at once?” - L&L

Jericho Named UNESCO World Heritage Site

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“The prehistoric and famed biblical site of Jericho—Tell es-Sultan—was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site during a conference held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.” - Biblical Archaeology Society

In Honor of D.A. Carson, TGC Launches The Carson Center for Theological Renewal

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“Today the Center launches with thousands of Bible and theology resources available and ready to search. But with translation projects underway and new resources under development, we’re just getting started.” - TGC

Americans' Preference for Larger Families Highest Since 1971

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“Today, 45% of Americans see three or more children as ideal, a steep increase from 38% in 2013, and an even wider gap from 33% in 2003.” - Gallup

Related: Some analysis and perspective at IFS

A Biblical Plan for Pastoral Succession, Part 1

David Huffstutler ⁃

Every pastor is an interim pastor. Every pastor eventually resigns, retires, or dies. What is your church’s plan to find your next pastor?

Scripture lays the foundation for an ideal pastoral succession plan: the outgoing pastor trains men for ministry, prepares his church for his departure, and, with the church’s approval, appoints one of these men as his successor. If a pastor does not prepare his church for his departure, the church will likely struggle after he leaves. The Bible suggests a better way.

Six Bible Passages for Pastoral Succession

Six Bible passages help us form a Biblical plan for pastoral succession.