“In 2008, among men, about 20% have never been married. For 40-year-old men in 2022, 37% had never been married. That’s insane to consider — a 40-year-old man is nearly twice as likely to never be married in 2022 compared to 2008.” - GetReligion
Doctrine on full display: Francis Turretin turns 400
“His was a day of religious turmoil. Not only were various Protestants, Catholics, and Anabaptists at odds with each other, but all those broad groups had controversies within their own ranks that had to be sorted out” - WORLD
Is the Rise of the Nones Over?
“Not all research data agrees, but some recent studies indicate that the growth of religiously unaffiliated Americans has slowed or stopped.” - Lifeway
Small Church Academy about enlisting pastors for big impact
“The Small Church Academy launched a year ago through the Bivocational & Small Church Leadership Network (BSCLN) with three cohorts. Those cohorts – small groups of up to 10 members…. Eight are currently meeting.” - BPNews
Do We Live in Dark Times?
Pastor Kevin Schaal wrote recently to address the question of whether recent events—and our times in general—signal Christ’s return to end human history. I agree with his conclusion on that question.
I want to respond to his introduction, though.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
“The End is not here yet. But as every contraction—whether false or real—reminds the young couple that a baby is coming, so the events described by Jesus Christ remind us that He is returning, and maybe very soon.” - P&D
Teens Spend Average of 4.8 Hours on Social Media Per Day
“Just over half of U.S. teenagers (51%) report spending at least four hours per day using a variety of social media apps such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and X” - Gallup
Questions to Ask if Church Wasn’t Great This Past Weekend
“What I want to do in this post, though, is encourage you to reconsider this past weekend’s church events and find some joy and blessing in all that took place—even if church wasn’t great.” - Chuck Lawless
Hamas never wanted peace with Israel
“As stated in its first charter, published in 1988, ‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.’” - Michael Brown
On Credentials and Resumes
Read the rest of the series on the Book of Galatians. This article covers Galatians 1:10 - 2:10.
The doctrinal heart of this letter doesn’t begin until chapter 3. But first Paul has some personal business to address—his credentials. The Christians in Galatia know Paul. He’s the one who brought them the Good News, who taught them, mentored them. Sure, other teachers have probably done their part, but Paul is undeniably the dominating human force in their spiritual lives.
Creatives: What to Do When People Reject Your Ideas
“If you’re a creative person, at some point, you’ll find a boss, investor, studio, or colleague who rejects your ideas. Sometimes, it will happen so often that you’ll start to question your own ability and wonder if you’re really creative at all.” - Phil Cooke
Central Seminary Fall Conference Video & Notes Now Available
The Essence of Biblical Preaching – 2023 Fall Conference with Dr. Brent Belford - CBTS
The Real Reason People Leave Religion
“There’s no single answer, but the most compelling explanation is that changes in American family life precipitated this national decline. American families have changed dramatically over the past few decades and many churches have been slow to respond.” - IFS
Donald Trump Sparks Backlash from Russell Moore, Others for Comments About Israel, Hezbollah
“A range of people quickly condemned Trump for apparently praising terrorists while criticizing Israel, America’s ally.” - CLeaders
Church of England House of Bishops agrees to propose prayers for same-sex couples
“The proposals are to be considered at the next Synod in November, as is new pastoral guidance on how the system will operate.” - CPost
Suddenly, A Burden for Israel
On Shabbat morning, following the conclusion of the Feast of Tabernacles, on Simchat Torah—a day set aside to commemorate the joy that flows from God’s Law—terror fell upon Israel.
On Oct. 7, 2023—50 years and a day after the onslaught of the Yom Kippur War—the forces of Hamas pulled back the curtains and showed the face of undiminished wickedness, their capacity to commit horrific acts of barbarism being matched only by their hatred for Israel and the Jewish people. They undeniably “[touched] the apple of His eye” (Zech. 2:8). From their attacks against “the Holy Land” (Zech. 2:12), targeting the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we gain significant insight into the depravity of the human heart.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Let Back in San Jose Schools After Court Rejects District’s ‘Double Standard’
“Ninth Circuit ruling boosts First Amendment protections for faith groups denied campus access.” - CToday
Italian Evangelical leaders criticize World Evangelical Alliance for ecumenical prayer at Vatican
“Evangelicals in Italy say the participation of an international Evangelical group in an ecumenical prayer with Pope Francis and other Christian-identified organizations was tantamount to ‘crossing a line’ that could potentially threaten Church unity around the world.” - CPost
ACT test scores for U.S. students drop to a new 30-year low
“The average ACT composite score for U.S. students was 19.5 out of 36. Last year, the average score was 19.8.” - PBS
Cooperating Under Persecution
“Over the past 25 years, I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of a growing cooperation of churches in China that faces lower-level persecution. By ‘lower-level’ persecution, I mean that the authorities have…relaxed their hold on churches in comparison to a previous era.” - 9 Marks
German homeschooling family given 1-year stay on deportation
“A German homeschooling Christian family facing deportation after living in the United States for 15 years has been given a one-year stay of removal, according to the legal group representing them.” - CPost
Review of ‘God’s Israel and Israel’s God’ edited by Bird & McKnight
God’s Israel and the Israel of God: Paul and Supersessionism,* edited by Michael F. Bird & Scot McKnight, Bellingham, WA, 2023, 188 pages, paperback.
Any book that tries to tackle the issue of supersessionism or replacement theology should expect a welcome. Of course, exactly what one means by “supersessionism” has to be addressed, and good representatives of the discussion must be chosen. Sadly, this book fails on both counts.
“The silent disappearance of the presidential bioethics council breaks fifty years of tradition.”
“President Trump failed to form a council when he was sworn in and President Biden has followed suit.” - Public Discourse
The Megachurch Movement Is Fading. What’s Next?
“Though it is difficult to estimate precisely how many megachurches remain in the United States, it’s safe to assume the large growth curves of the 1980s and 1990s are a thing of the past.” - Church Answers
How Can I Know What’s True?
“the Bible not only teaches us ultimate truths about man, the world, salvation, the future, and a host of other subjects that make up a worldview, it also gives us the very principles by which we can know what’s true.” - Ligonier
Perspectives on Israel vs. Hamas: A Roundup
Is religion good for you? The answer is complicated, new global Gallup report finds.
“A review of 10 years of global polling looks at the complicated connection between spirituality and health.” - RNS
Jesus Drew Circles and Lines: A Response to Andy Stanley
“We must seriously weigh some questions: Is the biblical sex ethic a boundary marker for the faith once and for all delivered to us? Can someone reject it and still inherit the kingdom of God?” - TGC
Free on Audible: John Frame’s ‘A History of Western Philosophy and Theology’
Hat tip: P&D
Lifeway Survey: Pastors Report the Economy’s Continued Negative Impact on Churches
Among U.S. Protestant pastors, “50% say the current economy is negatively impacting their churches.” No effect: 40%; positive effect 8%. - Lifeway