“search team chairman Neal Hughes said the team had been ‘blessed’ with a ‘harvest of resumes.’” - BPNews
Ryan Burge Study: Most Pro-lifers Are Not Economic Conservatives
“Among the people who wanted a total ban on abortion… 67% favor debt free college. 77% favor paid maternity leave. 67% favor raising the minimum wage to $15/hour.” - Ryan Burge
What a Discouraged Pastor Should Do (Part 4)
Read the series.
Here’s a final look at some of Paul’s exhortations to Timothy when he faced discouragement. You can read Parts 1, 2, and 3 if you haven’t already. These are all taken from 2 Timothy.
14. Continue in what you have learned. (3:10-17)
The basics don’t change just because ministry is hard. Keep going back to the Word for your own personal encouragement. It is able to give you assurance and equip you to do the work of ministry.
A Path to First Amendment Pluralism
“neutrality between sects is meant to allow all to flourish. This is the important distinction between separationism—which has mistakenly been touted as the best way to advance pluralism—and pluralism itself.” - Law & Liberty
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary marks 30th anniversary of Al Mohler’s presidency
“Throughout the celebratory events of the week, former students, trustees, and faculty members described the task Mohler faced when he became president and set about returning the institution to biblical fidelity and its confessional heritage.” - BPNews
Iowa Caucuses 2024: The influence of Iowa's evangelicals
“…a crucial segment of the Iowa Republican electorate: evangelicals, who comprise more than a third — 37 percent — of Iowa Republicans, according to Pew Research Center data.” - The Gazette
Advice for Retiring Pastors
“The questions these pastors have typically revolve around three issues: how do I prepare my church for my retirement?; what are some major financial issues regarding retirement?; and what do I do after I retire?” - Thom Rainer
“Some scientists say we don’t have free will. As a philosopher I say, of course we do”
Determinism says “everything is fully caused and explained by the past and laws of nature, meaning human actions result entirely from the external factors…. Is our world truly deterministic? And if so, would this imply we lack free will?” - LA Times
Should Christians Drink Intoxicating Beverages? Compare the Production
Read the series.
Christians need to understand the differences in the production and consumption of intoxicating beverages in Bible times compared to modern times. This difference is a significant concern that needs to be addressed as we ponder Christians and social drinking.
Christians need to understand the differences in the production and consumption of intoxicating beverages in Bible times compared to modern times. This difference is a significant concern that needs to be addressed as we ponder Christians and social drinking.
BJU Seminary CoRE Conference
Connect • Renew • Equip
“Has the Church Lost Her Voice? Recovering the Authority of the Church”
More information: https://seminary.bju.edu/core25/
Will the war in Ukraine last for another year or more?
I personally think the U.S. is right to support Ukraine against Russian aggression. A number of presidential candidates don’t want to support Ukraine.
What is your best guess as to what will happen. I know, “It depends.” But our answer to most things depends upon variables. The question is not what you know will happen, but what do you think is most likely. Comments are welcome.
The Future Salvation of Israel
In the wake of events unfolding in the Middle East, many are wondering what the Bible says regarding the final, future salvation of Israel—and how the exigencies that we are all witnessing on our television screens right now relate to that future.
It is also common for evangelicals to raise this concern: Why should we be distressed for the nation of Israel today—when they are a people in unbelief?
To answer these questions, let’s simply consider the bookends of the coming seven-year tribulation, the 70th week of the prophet Daniel (see Dan. 9:24-27).
How to Discern Promptings from the Holy Spirit
“…it is equally important to remember that there are other kinds of promptings that we can experience besides the leadings of the Holy Spirit. Some can be good promptings, while others can be bad” - Tim Augustyn
Just war theory and the war against Hamas: Is Israel rightly fighting this fight that’s right to fight?
“At its moral center, the just war tradition… helps to guide the political sovereign… in determining when, in the last resort, the discriminate and proportionate use of military force is the only means likely to protect the innocent, right wrongs, or punish evil.” - WORLD
Andy Stanley, the Unconditional Conference, and Why We Cannot Be More Loving Than Jesus
Essay gathers some of the best that has already been said on the topic, offers additional insights. - Randy Alcorn
Barna Research: Nearly All Seniors Agree It Is Important for Them to Continue Growing Spiritually
“The majority of Christians ages 55+ strongly agree (45%) or somewhat agree (42%) ‘It is important for me to see continual progress in my own spiritual life.’” - Barna
Tucker Carlson Is Wrong: Putin Practices Religious Persecution, Not Zelensky
“Though purporting to speak on behalf of religious liberty, in reality Carlson is playing fast and loose with the truth and endangering the lives of Ukrainian believers.” - Providence
Related: Russian Orthodox Church appoints Putin’s spiritual adviser metropolitan of Crimea - RNS
Art Proves We’re More than Dust in the Wind – A Review of Jeremy Begbie’s ‘Abundantly More’
Begbie “suggests a fresh and largely neglected value of the arts. They offer a counternarrative to the naturalistic reductionism that permeates disciplines like science, philosophy, and psychology.” - TGC
Judge upholds Idaho law barring biological male students from using girls’ bathrooms
“Chief U.S. District Judge David C. Nye issued a ruling last week allowing Idaho’s law to take effect, rejecting a request from the Sexuality and Gender Alliance and trans-identified students for an injunction against it.” - CPost
Tennessee court to decide if school shooting families can keep police records from public release
“The debate over those writings and other records has pitted grieving parents and traumatized children against a coalition which includes two news organizations, a state senator and a gun-rights group.” - RNS
How to Recover from a Toxic Church and Bounce Back Even Better
“In some cases, the pastor is the cause of the hurt. In other cases, the people of the church hurt the pastor. Pastors can be responsible for church hurt, but this article focuses on how pastors should respond when experiencing a toxic church culture.” - ChurchAnswers
SBC Cooperation Group to survey Southern Baptist churches
“The group is working to present a report to messengers next June… that could reassert or more closely define what it means for a church to be in friendly cooperation with the SBC” - BPNews
The New Birth Midrash, Part Two
Read the series.
(Ezekiel 18:3, 37:9-10; 1 Samuel 10:6, John 3:1-11)
As we continue on the subject of the New Birth (aka, regeneration), we can note that Jesus’ teaching about this miraculous work of the Spirit is based upon midrash from Old Testament texts. He expected Nicodemus, as a rabbi himself, to understand the concept—even before his encounter with Yeshua. Thus the concept of regeneration is not unique to the New Testament. However, Jesus’ terminology—“You must be born again”—is unique.
Why God? Upcoming Webinar Offers New Ideas for ‘Nones’ to Consider
Mary Eberstadt “will take the case directly to the ‘nones.’ She will lay out four different arguments for reconsidering the question of religious faith—arguments that will be of interest to all serious people, faithful and secular alike.” - IFWE
The Need for Pracademics
“In a day when students are turning their backs on college degrees or finding that it simply isn’t worth the price in relation to their career, the solution may be as simple as having educators who teach not simply what they know, but what they have done.” - Church & Culture
Do KJV-Only Pastors Understand the KJV? (National Survey, Parts 1 and 2)
“The King James Bible Study Project is a phone survey completed this year in which I and volunteers called 100 KJV-Only pastors and asked them twenty questions.” - Mark Ward
Survey results at https://kjbstudyproject.com/
The Gospel Coalition releases the TGC Bible Commentary
“When we asked these four questions, we found a gaping hole on our shelf. Thus started the six-year project that resulted in The Gospel Coalition Bible Commentary.” - TGC
What a Discouraged Pastor Should Do (Part 3)
(Read the series.)
Here I continue sharing my reflections on how Paul guided Timothy when he was facing discouragement, from the book of 2 Timothy. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 if you haven’t already. I address these to others, but first to myself.
What Has Israel to Do with Ukraine?
“I contend, any evangelical now claiming to feel sorrow for the Jewish nation should feel just as much mercy and compassion for Ukraine, the history of which is inextricably linked with Israel.” - Providence