“I carefully read not only the Salon interview but also the scholarly article in the Journal of the American Academy of Religion which gave rise to it. In what follows, I will pretty freely mix the academic article and the popularizing Salon interview.” - Mark Ward
Summit Produces a ‘Pentecost’ Moment for International Religious Freedom
“First IRF summit led by civilians not governments pulls off bipartisan participation as attendees welcome news on next ambassador.” - C.Today
InterVarsity’s right to choose student leaders upheld
“A federal appeals court on Friday slammed the University of Iowa for punishing InterVarsity Christian Fellowship because it limits leadership to Christians. The court said the school violated the organization’s free speech rights.” - WORLD
Jewish group condemns United Church of Christ resolution on Israel, Palestinians
“The American Jewish Committee denounced the UCC resolution, a ‘Declaration for a Just Peace Between Palestine and Israel,’ saying the measure ‘demonizes Israel, fails to offer a credible path to Israeli-Palestinian peace, and undermines advances in Christian-Jewish relations.’” - RNS
Research: How Do Most Pastors Plan Their Sermons?
“The average of 13.8 hours each week on sermon preparation is only less than the 23.3 hours pastors say they spend with their family on any given week.” - Lifeway
The Simulation Hypothesis: A Materialist Spirituality?
“The notion that we are all self-aware software trapped inside computer-generated virtual reality first gained academic credibility in a 2003 paper published by Oxford philosopher and futurist Nick Bostrom… . One of the appeals of simulation theory, [Rothman] thinks, is that it ‘gives atheists a way to talk about spirituality,’ or something like it. It offers ‘a source of awe.’” - Breakpoint
Church Membership: Why Bother?
“Perhaps the most potent passage I sometimes take people to when discussing the need for church membership is Hebrews 13:17 which reads: Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls…” - Ref21
UK council apologizes for censoring Franklin Graham event ads; pays over $150K in damages
“Along with issuing an apology last week for pulling the ads because they opposed the evangelical group’s conservative views on LGBT issues, the Blackpool Council in Lancashire also agreed to pay damages of over $150,200 (£109,000).” - C.Post
Also at C.Today: British City Apologizes for Removing Franklin Graham Ads
Gallup: Americans' Confidence in Major U.S. Institutions Dips
“Currently, an average 33% of U.S. adults express ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in 14 institutions, marking a three-percentage-point dip since 2020 and a return to the level seen in 2018 and 2019.” - Gallup
Related, at Lifeway: Americans’ Confidence in Church Drops to Near Historic Low
9 Things You Should Know About Mainline Protestantism
“…just as ‘evangelical’ has become a synonym in the public mind with ‘conservative white Protestants,’ this survey shows that ‘mainline’ has come to mean ‘non-evangelical Protestant.’” - TGC
Compassion, Judgment, and the Insufficiency of “Progressive Christianity”
“some thoughts on a movement within the church called “Progressive Christianity.” Among other doctrines, proponents of this movement have questioned the long-held belief … that Jesus “will come to judge the living and the dead.” Efforts have also been made to re-interpret Jesus’s teaching about hell and judgment…. Following is my attempt to explain why such “progressive” thought does not represent progress, but rather a major step back — not to mention a step away from orthodox belief.” - Scott Sauls
Greg Locke + Proud Boys + Counter-Protesters = Two Arrests at The Church at Planned Parenthood
“Two men were arrested after tensions escalated at an event held the evening of July 13 in Salem, Ore. by The Church at Planned Parenthood (TCAPP). Present at the event were counter-protesters, the Proud Boys, and Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee.” - C.Leaders
On the SBC Executive Committee’s independent sexual abuse investigation and Task Force
“The Executive Committee had earlier secured Guidepost Solutions for an independent review of its handling of sexual abuse issues; thus, an outside outfit will be doing an ‘independent review’ of how the EC handled aspects of some sexual abuse cases and another outside group composed of Southern Baptists will have oversight of that, the latter group to be advised by a couple more experts in the relevant areas.” - SBC Voices
Discernment in 2021: Tips for Better Use of Sources (Part 1)
“Discernment” is shorthand for the skill of identifying what’s good, right, true and most important from among inferior alternatives. The fact that discernment requires a maturing process through “training” (Heb. 5:14) tells us that these inferior alternatives often seem superior. It also tells us we can get better at it.
Good thing! People have instant access to more claims and counter-claims than at any time in human history. Christians need discernment more than ever before.
Does *the Bible Itself* "Use" Guilt by Association (GBA)?
Statements about the use of guilt-by-association (GBA) have abounded on SI during the time that I have been on SI.
Using the search facility, I have found 22 pages of hits for the words “guilt by association” in the comments on SI, with the earliest comment going back to 2009! This data by itself points to the importance of statements on SI about the use of GBA.
It’s Not Persecution If You’re Being Obnoxious
“Christians, individually or corporately, might be suffering because they’ve said or done stupid things, placing themselves under the divinely designed cosmic order, whereby life is tougher if you’re stupid (as John Wayne allegedly said). Or they might be suffering because they’ve engaged in sinful thinking or practices that have social or legal consequences.” - Olinger
How To Lead When Your Team is Smarter Than You
“…from those experiences I learned a lot about how to lead when you’re not the best or smartest person on the team. If it hasn’t happened to you, it probably will in the future, so here’s a handful of principles I learned” - Phil Cooke
'The time is now': Ben Watson, Human Coalition on a mission to make abortion 'unthinkable'
“We have to start educating the culture of why abortion should be unthinkable in the same way slavery is unthinkable. We have to move the culture to think that way as well,” he said. “Laws follow culture; we have abortion because half of the culture thinks we should have laws that allow abortion.” - C.Post
Why “Abba” Does Not Mean “Daddy”
“…abba was not a childish term of the nursery comparable to ‘Daddy.’ It was a polite and serious term, yet also colloquial and familiar, regularly used by adult sons and daughters when addressing their father.” - Justin Taylor
‘Theology Matters’—Why One Worship Leader Can No Longer Support Hillsong, Elevation, Bethel
“Theology matters,” Morgan writes. “I can’t even stress that enough. It matters if a song is weak in theology and is not accurately displaying the Holiness of our God. It matters if churches are spreading a prosperity Gospel that is different from the Gospel found in Scripture.” - C.Leaders
My Covid Year Reading: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Belcher shares Pastor Tim Keller’s hunch that Stevenson bases his dualistic characters on the Apostle Paul’s old and new man wrestling in Romans 7:4-24; vs. 23 is surely alluded to when Jekyll reveals a “perennial war among my members.” - Ref21
A Report on the IFCA Annual Convention (Part 2)
In the previous installment, I began to share a report on this year’s IFCA International Annual Convention, which was held from June 28 to July 2, in Lincoln, Neb.
The convention theme was “The Soon & Coming King—Biblical Eschatology.” Convention attendees ratified a resolution that complemented that theme, titled, “Resolution on Dispensational Premillennialism.”1
Lifeway Research: 82% of pastors feel supported by other local ministers
“According to a study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research, 82% of U.S. Protestant pastors say they feel supported by other local pastors in their area, with 44% strongly agreeing. Few (14%) disagree, while 4% aren’t sure.” - BPNews
Why We Love ‘The Chosen’ So Much
“The show isn’t just about the transformation of the disciples, it’s about our spiritual transformation, too.” - C.Today
United Methodist conference seizes church assets in dispute
“A regional governing body for a Protestant denomination has seized the assets of a large congregation in Georgia in a dispute over who should be the senior pastor.” - RNS
Economics for Church Leaders: Why the Price System Is One of God’s Artworks
“As with most good gifts given by God to humans, we are able to corrupt it and use it in ways that harm our neighbors. Yet for the most part, the price system is an ingenious method of communication that has been used to improve the human condition.” - TGC
Why some younger evangelicals are leaving the faith
“Disaffected young evangelicals and those who left the church describe an out-of-touch institution not in line with their political beliefs, a scholar found” - RNS
Judgment Begins at God’s House: A Theology of Malachi (Part 1)
Several decades have passed since the temple was rebuilt and the worship of Yahweh restored under the preaching of Haggai and Zechariah.1 The promised King, however, had not yet come (Zech. 9:9), nor had God’s promised glory filled the temple (Hag. 2:6-9). As a result, true worship devolved into dead religion. From Israel’s perspective, God exists solely to grant his people health and material prosperity as a merited blessing.
Amid Catholic opposition, states are legalizing composting of human remains
“Washington, Colorado and Oregon are now among the US states that have legalized the process of converting bodies into soil, a procedure the Catholic Church said fails to show ‘respect for the body of the deceased.’” - RNS