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Science Should Not Try to Absorb Religion and Other Ways of Knowing

SI Filings ⁃

“Our diverse ways of seeing reality will never, and should never, meld into a monolithic worldview” - Scientific American

Audio for the 100th FBFI Annual Fellowship

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“For those who missed it, here are audio recordings of most of the sessions from our conference last week. I’m providing links to our book announcement and position statements as well.” - P&D

Jim Bakker to Pay $156K Over COVID-19 Cure Claim

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“After settlement, the televangelist and his church can no longer sell his Silver Solution as treatment. His lawyers, though, say state officials ‘unfairly targeted’ the show.” - C.Today

The Enduring Lesson of the Galileo Myth

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“Galileo’s biggest mistake was to move the fight out of the realm of science and into the field of biblical interpretation. In a fit of hubris, he wrote the Letter to Castelli in order to explain how his theory was not incompatible with proper biblical exegesis. With the Protestant Reformation still fresh on their minds, the authorities in the Catholic Church were in no mood to endure another troublemaker trying to interpret Scripture on his own.” - TGC

The Blessing of Rest

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“…you don’t have to have a Jewish grandmother to gain an appreciation for God’s gift of the Sabbath. All you need is a willingness to consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, God has written down what we need for genuine human flourishing and built it into the actual fabric of the created order.” - Breakpoint

Nominalism, Nihilism, and Modern Politics

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“The belief that human beings and human communities can be rearranged in any way that suits our creative fancy is, as the examples of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union show, an invitation to tyranny and disaster.” - Public Discourse

On Ministry and Football (Part 3)

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

Read Part 1 and Part 2.

In the previous installments of this series, I described how I was blessed to be part of football programs, in both high school and college, that ascended from the depths of despair to championship seasons during my final years on each of those teams.

O For Six Unmasked Tongues to Sing: England Still Quieting Worship

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“Bands are rocking post-pandemic services, but congregants can’t yet join in.” - C.Today

Denominational switching among U.S. Jews: Reform Judaism gains, Conservative Judaism declines

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“Overall, nearly nine-in-ten U.S. adults who were raised Jewish (88%) are still Jewish today. This includes 70% who identify with the Jewish religion and 18% who don’t identify with any religion but who consider themselves Jewish in some other way” - Pew

Cruz, DeSantis Portray the Left As Demonic, the Right As God’s True Followers

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“You’ve got to be strong,” said DeSantis at the end of his speech. “You’ve got to put on the full armor of God. You’ve got to take a stand, take a stand against the Left’s schemes. You’ve got to stand your ground. You’ve got to be firm. You will face flaming arrows, but take up the shield of faith and fight on.” - C.Leaders

Supremes and Supremacy

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“Can you say that Christ is supreme in your life? Is He the preeminent one in your life? Is He your authority? Or are you?” - P&D

82% of Americans say religious freedom is key to ‘healthy American society’: poll

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“More than four-fifths of surveyed Americans believe that freedom of religion is an important aspect of a ‘healthy American society,’ according to a poll by Rasmussen Reports and Summit Ministries.” - C.Post

From the Archives – Jonah: The Runaway Prophet

Guest ⁃

Jonah is “a paradox: a prophet of God, and yet a runaway from God: a man drowned, and yet alive: a preacher of repentance, yet one that repines at repentance.”1

How often does your church practice the Lord's Supper?

Ed Vasicek ⁃

This question needs to be answered in a general sense. For example, during COVID, a lot of churches did not practice the Lord’s Supper at all, while others practiced online as viewers obtained their own elements.

Then there are special occasions. In addition to our Sunday schedule of every-other-month, we also celebrate the Lord’s Supper on Good Frdaiy. So I would choose the “every other month” option, even though the answer was not exact.

Bible-engaged Americans more hopeful, despite suffering trauma and heartache: report

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“The third chapter of American Bible Society’s State of the Bible report released this week reveals that those who read Scripture have more hope than those who are less engaged, and shows how the Bible brings healing to people who are suffering.” - ABS

Messianic Jews Say ‘Fake Rabbi’ Was Wrong Way to Reach the Ultra-Orthodox

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“Unpacking the motives of an accused undercover American in Israel and lessons learned for Christians wanting to engage Haredi Jews.” - C.Today

How Should I Address My Transgender Colleague?

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“I work in a secular workplace, and my new colleague is transgender. When I was introduced to him and found out that he wants to be addressed by a female name and pronouns, I was caught off-guard… How can I speak to him and work with him in a loving way without compromising my Christian convictions?” - TGC

Help Wanted – the vanishing work ethic

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“My thoughts about this man and his work are now entirely different. He didn’t waste his life at all. I have great respect for what this man did.” - P&D

An Analysis of the 2021 Annual SBC Gathering

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“…as I left the convention and took some time to debrief and analyze what took place, I believe the path for the SBC is one of a more hopeful and fruitful future.” - Stetzer

SBC committee to consider disaffiliating Saddleback Church for ordaining women pastors

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“At the annual meeting of the SBC this week in Nashville, a motion asking if the denomination should break fellowship with Saddleback Church in Orange County, California, was referred to the denomination’s Credentials Committee.” - C.Post

Too Young to Dunk? An Examination of Baptists and Baptismal Ages, 1700–1840

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“With the help of William Buell Sprague’s Annals of the American Baptist Pulpit, I can examine the accounts of 45 baptisms from 1700 to 1840. Hopefully, this will provide useful insights into how children relate to the church and, perhaps more to the point, when they should be put forward for baptism.” - 9 Marks

Book Briefs: Rejoice & Tremble by Michael Reeves

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“…there are times when this book feels more academic than I would like. But in the end, I found that Michael Reeves thoroughness provides a firm and stable biblical foundation for adopting a nuanced understanding of the fear of the Lord. (If you’d like a more concise version of Rejoice & Tremble, Reeves released an 80-page version…” - Tim Augustyn

China’s state-sanctioned churches to celebrate Communist Party’s centennial

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“In the run-up to the Chinese Communist Party’s planned celebrations to mark 100 years of its existence on July 1, churches affiliated with the government are organizing and participating in events that seek to glorify the single-party rule that has persecuted religious communities.” - C.Post

Princeton Trades Classics for Diversity?

SI Filings ⁃

“Imagine a software engineering class that doesn’t make students learn computer code. That should give you some idea how ridiculous it is that Princeton University is no longer requiring classics majors to learn Greek or Latin. Not zoology students or English majors, but classics students. You know, the folks who study Greek and Latin culture.” - Breakpoint

“Good and Necessary Consequence” (WCF) or “Necessarily Contained in” (2LCF): Is There a Difference?

Bob Gonzales ⁃

In Chapter One: “Of the Holy Scripture,” the Second London Confession of Faith (2LCF) is almost identical to the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) and the Savoy Declaration (SD) on which it is based.1 There are only three minor differences worth noting.2 First, the Baptists add a sentence at the beginning of the chapter that is found neither in the WCF nor in the SD: “The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and o

After Debate On Biden's Abortion Views, Bishops Vote to Rethink Communion Rules

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“After a contentious debate, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has voted to move forward with a process that could call into question the eligibility of politicians like President Joe Biden to receive Communion.” - NPR

The Narcissism of Worship My Way

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“Conversational narcissism is manifested in worship when we take the topic and shift its focus to a topic of our own choosing. Instead of worship focused on God and God’s story, it is focused on me and my story.” - C.Leaders

7 Important Life Lessons from a Godly Father

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“This is my first Father’s Day without my father being present to honor. He went home to heaven in January after battling Covid. I was fearing this day, but I should not have. Thinking about dad on this day has made me thankful for him and for the things that he taught me that remain part of my life.” - Kevin Schaal

Review: ‘Men and Women in the Church’ by Kevin DeYoung

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“DeYoung—pastor, professor, and prolific author—writes with clarity of style, depth of theological astuteness, and an uncanny ability to sort and categorize ideas. He keeps his promise of writing a short, ‘intelligent and readable’ book” - TGC

5 ways to spot fake ‘facts’

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“These tips can be used when evaluating the flood of information and misinformation flowing into your life every day” - C.Post