“…most people obtain their worldview by unconsciously absorbing it from the culture rather than consciously adopting it from Scripture. Identifying and mastering the components of the biblical worldview will strengthen the faith of any believer, help us to detect and refute error, and live consistent with the way the world really works.” - P&D
Review: ‘Holier Than Thou’ by Jackie Hill Perry
“In her new book, Holier Than Thou: How God’s Holiness Helps Us Trust Him, Jackie Hill Perry—author, poet, Bible teacher, and artist—invites readers to consider what the reality of God’s holiness means for our daily lives.” - TGC
Southern Baptist Convention's ERLC trustees approve profile for next president
“The ERLC trustees endorsed without opposition a profile presented by the presidential search committee that consists of eight criteria a candidate must meet to fulfill the role of the commission’s next head.” - BPNews
2021 could be ‘best year ever’ for America’s nonprofits, new report suggests
“The new study of people’s giving intentions across the nation shows a whopping 90% of donors expect to give the same — or even more — to charity this year compared with last year, which smashed records.” - RNS
ELCA becomes first mainline denomination in US to install trans-identified bishop
“The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has installed Rev. Megan Rohrer as the first openly transgender bishop to serve in the liberal mainline Protestant denomination’s history.” - CPost
(See also AP/ChurchLeaders)
“...purposeful worship means it occurs from the inside out, not the outside in”
“Worship based on purpose, however, responds to a relationship that already exists internally. So, we respond not because of what our songs do to us, but instead, because of what Christ has already done in us.” - C.Leaders
Bob Enyart, ‘Firebrand’ Pastor and Anti-Vax Radio Host, Dies From COVID
“Enyart is at least the fifth conservative talk-radio host to die from COVID-19. Previously, Marc Bernier, Phil Valentine, Jimmy DeYoung, and Dick Farrel succumbed after publicly opposing vaccines and/or public-health mitigation efforts.” - C.Leaders
Religious Exemptions and the COVID Vaccine
Vaccine mandates have arrived, and so have questions about religious exemptions. What should Christians think about them? I’ll provide one over-arching principle, then briefly discuss some common religious justifications we see offered up.
A warning
The Third Commandment tells us we must not misuse God’s name (Ex 20:7; Deut 5:11). One way we do this is when we invoke God as an authority to justify something we want to do. I want to do something, so I use God as a blank check, and I get my free pass. But … did God really say that?
The Scrolling Soul
“Bunyan’s Vanity Fair in Our Phones … Where Bunyan’s Christian walked through the streets and alleys of Vanity Fair, we scroll through them with the flick of our thumbs. And what is the effect on our souls?” - TGC
When you feel like quitting ministry...
“t’s easy to see only the negative—and even magnify it—when we’re hurting. That’s when we need to pray the prayer of Moses: ‘Please, let me see your glory’ (Exo 33:18).” - Chuck Lawless
“...we tend to uncritically accept what we want to be true.”
“If your ‘news’ sources know what you believe and like (and they do) and you believe what you like to hear, then it should be no surprise that you are presented with more of it, magnified and deepened.” - Ken Brown
No Matter What
“Six weeks later, one morning I woke up deaf. The ‘bad ear’ was its normal self, but the ‘good ear’ was just gone; it was now by far the ‘bad ear.’” - Olinger
A mask mandate showdown in Cobb County school board pits ‘faith’ against ‘fear’
“ ‘Faith not Fear’ is a mantra ringing out across the country, where such debates have reached a fever pitch. That is the case in Cobb County, Georgia.” - RNS
BJU Ranked by U.S. News & World Report 2022
“Best Value Regional University in the South: 3 … Top Performers on Social Mobility among Regional Universities in the South: 2 … Best Undergraduate Teaching among Regional Universities in the South: 21” - BJU Today
When God says stop praying
“…so instead of praying, they needed to act. This is why we read, ‘Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward” ’ (Ex. 14:15).” - Robin Schumacher
Biden Joins the All-Stars of Constitutional Contempt
“What the New York Times calls a ‘novel use of a law on workplace safety’ is an invented power that violates the letter and spirit of Article II’s limits …But as has been the case for much of Washington’s decade-long journey into constitutional contempt, this one will end up as pure partisan applesauce.” - The Dispatch
How Does a Congregation Worship? (It's not about personal experience)
“Seeing ourselves as the Body of Christ is not to demean personal experience, but a help to guard against allowing our focus to shift to ‘our’ personal experience rather than on who Christ is and what He as done.” - C.Leaders
In Defense of Motherhood: What’s Wrong with “Birthing People”
“If a mother is just a birthing person … a mother’s child is not hers in any morally thick sense. If children are raised to believe parental authority is arbitrary, and if lawyers and policymakers ingest the same vision, then the rich network of claims and duties binding parents to children will become publicly unintelligible.” - Public Discourse
Well-Intentioned Sin Is Still Sin and Deserves Judgment
“We feel sorry for Uzzah, don’t we? From our perspective, he was simply a man with good intentions. He was just trying to help, we say. Yet Uzzah had sinned against God.” - C.Today
Ultra-realistic VR is a philosophical minefield for humanity
“It’s this shift in our sense of reality—away from the physical world and towards experience—that’s the crux of the issue. We seem to care less and less about whether our experiences are in reality or in a virtual world. But whether it’s real or virtual, if we experience it, is there any real difference?” - PC Gamer
What Does It Mean to Weep with Those Who Weep?
“Jesus did not always weep with those who wept…. When the crowds were rejoicing on Palm Sunday, Jesus wept (Luke 20:41), and when the women were mourning for Jesus on his way to the cross, he told them not to weep for him (23:28).” - Kevin DeYoung
The Kingdom of God in Luke (Part 7)
The “Times of the Gentiles”
A great deal has been written about “the Times of the Gentiles,” especially by Dispensational writers. But before we can know what it refers to we must situate it in the discourse in which it stands. I have given reasons why Luke 21:20-23 concern the end of days. Jesus speaks of Jerusalem being surrounded by armies (Lk. 21:20), and of the city being trampled down by the Gentiles (Lk. 21:24b). It seems natural to think of Zechariah 12:1-31 and Revelation 11:2. The context of “the Times of the Gentiles” in Luke, therefore, points to the end time siege of Jerusalem by the armies of the Gentile nations.
Should I speak up when I disagree with my company’s political positions?
“I don’t agree with the political views of my company. They voice their views; yet, I think I would be fired if I voiced mine. I want to keep my job, yet I want to distance myself from their positions. Any advice?” - C.Post
Remembering 9/11: The Most Hopeful People
Podcast: “In the second episode of the Remembering 9/11 series, Sarah Zylstra tells the rest of Christina and Brian Stanton’s story—a return to an apartment littered with scraps of World Trade Center papers, an attempt to cope on their own, and an encounter with a church called Redeemer Presbyterian.” - TGC
Twenty years later, ‘In Christ Alone’ still inspires millions to sing
“The popular hymn prompted a movement to revive congregational singing and launched the careers of Keith and Kristyn Getty.” - RNS
Let’s Talk about Compatibilism
“Most simply defined, it is the belief that determinism and free will are compatible. That is, it is possible to believe in both without contradiction.” - Roger Olson
No, Tucker Carlson: The U.S. is not, will not, and never should be like Hungary
“Carlson and others on the right have expressed admiration for Hungarian policies that squash progressive ideals, not realizing that the executive consolidation of power present in Hungary could do the same thing to conservative ideas if a progressive rises to power.” - Acton
Review: Sinclair Ferguson’s new book Lessons from the Upper Room
“While Lessons from the Upper Room is an exposition of John 13-17, it is by no means a dry or academic work. To the contrary, it is devotional and applicable. It did, after all, begin as a series of lessons for laypersons—a teaching series distributed through Ligonier Ministries.” - Challies
Numbers 5:12 FF
Does the protocol prescribed to determine the guilt or innocence of a possibly unfaithful wife when other evidence is lacking describe an abortive procedure? I have run into some acquaintances of late that insist that it does. Would appreciate a clearer understanding of what is being presented here.