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On Labor Day: Christianity’s Unique Vision of Work

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“One of Christianity’s greatest strengths is its explanatory power. Christianity can explain the human experience and the human condition far better than any other worldview. …It’s especially true when it comes to explaining human activity and ability, such as artistry, athleticism, and work.” - Breakpoint(link is external)

Trump and his religion advisors launch new National Faith Advisory Board

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“The new initiative, first reported by the Jewish Daily Forward, was formally unveiled on a conference call organized by Intercessors for America and led by longtime Trump adviser Paula White. The Pentecostal megachurch pastor said…” - RNS(link is external)

Why Biblical Literacy Matters

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“In their recent 2021 study, Lifeway Research found that eleven percent of American evangelicals have read all of Scripture, nine percent have read all of Scripture more than once, ten percent none at all … twelve percent almost all of it.” - Ref21(link is external)

How We Worshiped One Sunday in September

TylerR ⁃

I’d like to share the way our congregation structures its worship service. I have nothing special to offer―only my own reflections on where our congregation is, and perhaps where we’ll go. What we do on Sunday mornings, and how we do it, is important. Perhaps my comments here will be useful.

The Missing Link

Many Christians don’t think critically about what happens on Sundays. This isn’t a rebuke, just an observation. Over 40 years ago, Robert G. Rayburn shared similar misgivings:

Cultural Research Center: What Does It Mean When People Say They Are “Christian”?

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“…the vast majority of American adults (69%) self-identify as ‘Christian’ and embrace many basic tenets of the faith. But a closer look shows that at the same time, many in this group hold views clearly in conflict with traditional teachings and only 9% actually possess a biblical worldview” - CRC(link is external)

Scholars say APA report misrepresented their research on LGBT progress and anti-Christian attitudes

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“They accurately cited that I did not find anti-Christian sentiment increasing but did not cite that I also found that those with anti-Christian sentiment have grown more powerful in society over the past few decades” - George Yancey(link is external)

Chosen, Born Again, and Believing: How Election, Regeneration, and Faith Relate to Each Other in the Gospel according to John

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“The next issue of The Master’s Seminary Journal just released. It’s on regeneration. I contributed this article…. This article inductively examines what key passages in the Gospel according to John say about election, regeneration, and faith” - Andy Naselli(link is external)

The eighth generation church member and pastors’ suspicion of multi-generation church families

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“I had been prepped to be wary of family-dominated churches, of people whose people had been in the church for multiple generations. It was an unwritten rule that many generations in a church was probably not healthy, that those people would reflexively side against their ‘outsider’ pastor. Bah, humbug. Bad advice.” - SBCVoices(link is external)

California recall candidate Larry Elder to visit megachurch offering COVID-19 vaccine exemptions

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“Pastor Greg Fairrington, during an Aug. 1 sermon, told congregants of his church to ‘do your job as Christians on Sept. 14 and vote yes on recalling an immoral governor.’” - C.Post(link is external)

J. I. Packer: Don’t Like the Term Biblical “Inerrancy”? Fine. But What about the Concepts?

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“If we speak of Holy Scripture as altogether true and trustworthy, or as wholly reliable in its own terms, making no false assertions, claims or promises on its own account (however many lies told by good men, bad men, and devils it records), we shall be expressing in formula terms exactly what these words mean.” - Packer(link is external)

The Church’s Time to Shine

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

Prior to 2020, there was only one stretch of time in my life when people ceased from their normal routines and showed a profound interest in spiritual things.

That, of course, was in the days following Sept. 11, 2001. The response was palpable. It was overwhelmingly patriotic, unifying and somber. People also turned their minds toward eternity. In fact, their reaction was so robust in those early days and weeks after the terrorist attacks that some even pondered if we were witnessing the beginnings of a genuine revival.

Texas heartbeat ban takes effect, first in U.S.

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“The U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to block enforcement of the measure in response to a last-ditch request by abortion-rights organizations meant the law became the first heartbeat ban to take effect in the United States.” - BPNews(link is external)

More Lord Kingdom hopes to make America godly again, one T-shirt at a time

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“A new clothing company hopes to help Christians look good while sharing their faith and regaining their identity as believers.” - RNS(link is external)

First Among Equals: Why the Pastors Need a Leader

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“The necessity of a first among coequals in human economies is resonant with (though not equivalent to) the way the Son submits to his Father in the incarnation (Philippians 2:5–11), as well as in the order God ordains in the home (Ephesians 5:21–33). Leadership is not a consequence of the fall, but represents God’s good design for human flourishing in a well-ordered world.” - Desiring God(link is external)

Why Harvard’s Atheist Chaplain Matters Less, and More, than You Think

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“Does this mean that Epstein has just been hired for a new job as Harvard’s atheist chaplain? Has he become Harvard’s ‘chief chaplain’? Does this mean that he now ‘leads’ and is “in charge of” Harvard’s other chaplains? Did these other chaplains decide that they ‘couldn’t think of anyone better’ for spiritual chaplaincy at the university? Is this a big, new change for campus ministry at Harvard? … the answer to all of these questions is ‘No.’” - IRD(link is external)

How Alcohol Can Cause A-Fib and Other Heart Issues – The New York Times

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“A new study has found that even moderate drinking can increase the risk of A-fib, a heart rhythm abnormality that afflicts some 3 million Americans.” - P&D(link is external)

On the 25th Anniversary of Welfare Reform, a Study Asks How It Worked

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“Each big anniversary of the 1996 welfare reform … sees an outpouring of retrospectives … It’s long been clear that single mothers flooded into the labor force after the reform, and that their income went up. What’s less clear is whether some particularly disadvantaged families were left behind, and how overall well-being changed for the affected households.” - IFS(link is external)

Most Americans Know and Trust Their Neighbors

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“Almost 7 in 10 U.S. adults (68%) say they trust the people who live in their local community, according to a study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research. Close to a quarter of Americans (23%) disagree, and 10% say they aren’t sure.” - Lifeway(link is external)

Four Blessings of Close Friendships in Pastoral Ministry

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Solitary confinement is said to be one of the worst forms of punishment. Often referred to as “the hole” in prisons, solitary confinement deprives prisoners of communication and conversation, making it a form of torture. Being alone, with no one to share life with, is a horrific way to live. In fact, prolonged time in “the hole” has detrimental mental and physical effects on prisoners.

Are You in the Wrong War?

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“…to hear some Christians talk, we’re apparently in a war with others, culturally and politically. I’ve been told things like, ‘We’re in a battle for the soul of America’ and ‘If we don’t win against the Liberals we won’t be able to preach the Gospel.’” - P&D(link is external)

California, LA County both to pay $400,000 settlement to John MacArthur’s church

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“The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday (Aug. 31) voted to authorize a $400,000 payment to settle a legal battle with Grace Community Church over lead pastor John MacArthur’s defiance of COVID-19 restrictions in the early months of the pandemic. Under the agreement, which the board unanimously approved without discussion, the state of California will also pay the church $400,000.” - RNS(link is external)

What Does It Mean for the Saints to Judge Angels?

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“As jarring as it may sound, it’s likely that Paul has in mind an active, delegated role for believers in the final judgment.” - TGC(link is external)

Va. Supreme Court upholds reinstatement of Christian teacher who opposed trans pronoun policy

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“In an order issued Monday, the Virginia Supreme Court granted an appeal to review the merits of a lower court decision in favor of elementary school teacher Byron Tanner Cross and agreed to keep an injunction reinstating the teacher in place.” - CPost(link is external)

The Good News About Our Economy & Families

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“Among both conservatives and progressives, there are claims that the world is getting worse and that the American family had a better standard of living, better opportunities for employment, and a simpler life forty years ago… . There are several factors that play into this perception. The first is that we suffer from … negativity bias. It is easier for us to see the bad things that are happening rather than the progress.” - IFWE(link is external)

Pew: COVID-19 pandemic saw an increase in the share of U.S. mothers who would prefer not to work for pay

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“About a quarter (27%) of mothers with children younger than 18 at home said this in the October 2020 survey, up from 19% who said so in a summer 2019 survey.” - Pew(link is external)

“People are so quick to pull that religious liberty card”

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“Evangelical ethicists and legal scholars agree that many followers of Christ object to the COVID-19 vaccines, but they’re split on whether any of the objections commonly articulated among believers constitute religious objections. The distinction between religious liberty objections and more general objections could become a key issue as more businesses require employees to be vaccinated.” - BPNews(link is external)

Applying biblical principles to social media

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“Just as humanity’s relationship with technology goes back to creation, so do the principles that should guide our usage of it.” - Lifeway(link is external)

Indonesia: Muslim cleric arrested on blasphemy charges for insulting Christianity, calling the Bible ‘fiction’

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“Police arrested Muhammad Yahya Waloni, a former Protestant who became a Muslim in 2006 and later an imam, from his home in the national capital of Jakarta on Thursday” - CPost(link is external)

What is Wicca? An expert on modern witchcraft explains.

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“Wicca… whose adherents, regardless of gender, call themselves witches, began in the U.K. in the 1940s. Wicca and Witchcraft are part of the larger contemporary pagan movement, which includes druids and heathens among others. All these spiritual paths, as pagans refer to them, base their practices on pre-Christian religions and cultures.” - RNS(link is external)