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6 Really Bad Pastor Appreciation Gifts

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“pastors should be appreciated all the time, and not just one month a year. Pray for your pastors, pay them well, and give them time and space to love and lead their families. And maybe reconsider your pastor appreciation gifts.” - C.Leaders(link is external)

Why Mary says 'there's nothing Christian about socialism'

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“True socialism also entails quite a bit more: ‘…the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole (government)’” - Stephen Rowland(link is external)

Your Muslim Neighbors Are Not Monolithic

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“ ‘What does the average Muslim believe?’ … Robin Hadaway’s book The Muslim Majority demonstrates that it is harder to answer than one might think. It assumes two things that are not actually true” - TGC(link is external)

Does “Breath of Life” in Scripture Mean an Unborn Child Isn’t Human Until They’re Born and Breathing?

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“…some prochoice religious groups argue that as Adam’s life began when God breathed into him, so each human life begins when the baby is born and takes his first breath. This demonstrates a misunderstanding of the nature of the unborn’s respiration.” - Randy Alcorn(link is external)

Why a Commitment to Inerrancy Does Not Demand a Strictly 6,000-Year-Old Earth: One Young Earther's Plea for Realism (Part 2)

Mark Snoeberger ⁃

From Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal(link is external) (DBSJ) 2013. Used by permission. Read Part 1.

The 6000-year-earth position may be questioned on several grounds, some more substantial than others. I would like to suggest, though, that while all of the arguments developed below are load-bearing, the intertextual-exegetical arguments take pride of place in the ensuing material.

How long ago do your believe the earth was created?

Ed Vasicek ⁃

The current series by Mark Snoeberger about this subject made me think that this would be a great poll question.

I was influenced by Henry Morris, who suggested the earth was perhaps 10,000 years old. Since Ken Ham has become popular, the new creationist party line has returned to Bishop Ussher’s chronology, setting the date for creation at 4004 B.C. This, of course, raises both historical and textual questions. How dependable are the numbers/ages in the genealogies? Are these merely highlight descendants, or a complete list? How do we account for the differing numbers (regarding age) between the LXX and the Masoretic text?

Teens and Technology

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“First, we sought to gain the heart of our kids. If you are not seeking to gain the heart of your child when they are pre-teens, it will be more difficult to do during their teenage years….” - Taigen Joos(link is external) (HT: P&D(link is external))

Change, Part 2: Sovereign, Attentive, and Good

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“I’ve proposed using the Old Testament account of Joshua’s succession of Moses as a pattern for us as we face a rapidly and significantly changing world. I suppose I should justify that.” - Olinger(link is external)

Moving Beyond Hotel Bibles, Gideons in Canada Announce New Name

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“ShareWord will continue to distribute Scripture, but emphasize church partnerships and equipping Christians for evangelism.” - C.Today(link is external)

Southern Baptist Convention’s lawyers to cut ties after vote to waive privilege

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“The longtime general counsel for the Southern Baptist Convention has decided to cut ties with the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. The decision came after members of the SBC’s Nashville-based Executive Committee decided to waive attorney-client privilege as part of a sexual-abuse investigation.” - RNS(link is external)

Mars Hill Podcast Revives Old Video With Mark Driscoll, James MacDonald, Mark Dever—And It Reveals a Lot

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Some things look a lot different in retrospect… - C.Leaders(link is external)

Why a Commitment to Inerrancy Does Not Demand a Strictly 6,000-Year-Old Earth: One Young Earther's Plea for Realism (Part 1)

Mark Snoeberger ⁃

From Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal(link is external) (DBSJ) 2013. Used by permission (first appearance at SharperIron in 2014).

States have mandated vaccinations since long before COVID-19

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“Republican- and Democratic-led states alike already require hundreds of thousands of their citizens – infants, toddlers and schoolchildren, mostly – to be vaccinated against a panoply of diseases.” - Pew(link is external)

Texas Heartbeat Act Temporarily Reinstated after Federal Judge Blocks Enforcement

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“On Friday, a U.S. appeals court temporarily reinstated the Texas Heartbeat Act, which prohibits abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, reversing the recent decision of a federal judge to block enforcement of the law.” - N.Review(link is external)

The Man Behind Wisconsin’s ‘Stop the Steal’ Effort

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“Among ‘John Delta’s’ requests were that counties send him data retained on voting machines. But voting machines have no data—all the vote tallies are downloaded to drives and servers and kept elsewhere.” - Dispatch(link is external)

Victory Through Suffering: The True Meaning of Philippians 4:13

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“After John 3:16, Philippians 4:13 is one of the most-searched verses in the Bible, and is often linked with athletes seeking to inspire victory and strength. But this common application unfortunately misses its real power.” -TGC(link is external)

The Facebook Expose: Four Things Parents Need to Know

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“Facebook’s own research confirms what many academic researchers had been saying for years—that for some people, especially teen girls, social media can harm mental health, and that the rise in depression and self-harm among teens since 2010 might be caused by the increasing popularity of social media” - IFS(link is external)

On Catholic Baptists: The London Baptist Confession of Faith

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“As we ponder the usefulness of creeds, a look back at one of the earliest Baptist confessions provides some guidance. British Baptists in the second part of the 17th century were facing some serious challenges.” - Credo(link is external)

Thoughts on Preaching

TylerR ⁃

I’ve been intentionally experimenting with my preaching over the past few years. I am grateful for the expository preaching model I was handed at seminary. It’s a good model. It’s the best model. But, there are different flavors within that broad framework. The past few Sundays, I’ve tried something radical for my sermon preparation. It is radical for me, but perhaps not for you. I shall share it, anon.

But, first some observations about expository preaching, as it is sometimes practiced―as I used to practice it!

“The sense of dislocation is exacerbated by the indisputable fact that the pace of change is accelerating.”

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“Some people feel like we’re accelerating headlong toward a precipice, uncontrolled and uncontrollably. And on the heels of such thoughts inevitably come fear, despair, desperation, rage. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.” - Olinger(link is external)

Answer a Fool According to His Folly, or Answer Not?

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“I want to talk through a super common issue on the internet. I invite your wisdom and input; I also invite your prayer. Because I want and need—desperately need—divine wisdom for whether and how to answer all kinds of internet comments from all kinds of strangers with all kinds of perspectives.” - Mark Ward(link is external)

Oklahoma Pastor Running For Senate, Vows to Investigate 2020 Election

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“Lead pastor of Sheridan Church in Tulsa, OK Jackson Lahmeyer told his congregation this past weekend that ‘It’s time to shout it in the halls of Congress that Jesus is King.’…Lahmeyer has said that he has signed thousands of vaccine exemption forms, a service he has offered for a one-time donation of any amount to his church.” - C.Leaders(link is external)

What Happened to Rest in the Church?

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“In the church, more is always more. More event participation equals more holiness. In church leadership, more events equals more impact. These are y = x, straight up diagonal graphs with no blips, no cap, no ceiling. There’s never an event planned called: ‘Stay home and be with your family and friends night.’ … The church assumes you’re doing that. Except we’re not doing that.” - Ref21(link is external)

The Bible’s Beautiful Both/And

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Bavinck insists, “To do full justice to religion, we must return to the central unity in man that is the basis for differentiating his faculties and which is in Holy Scripture designated the heart, from which proceed all expressions of life in mind, feeling, and will.” - TGC(link is external)

A test for religious sincerity?

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“Linking a personal religious belief to an organized religion’s stated beliefs could be problematic…. Berg noted courts have regarded the relevant religious belief in such cases as that of the individual, not the group to which he or she belongs.” - WORLD(link is external)

Post Without Ceasing? How Social Media Reshapes Our Prayer Lives

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“Interceding on Instagram may seem like a uniquely 21st-century phenomenon, but Christians in the first century were already praying at a distance.” - C.Today(link is external)

In ‘The Jesus Music,’ Erwin Brothers recount the glory and mess of Christian music

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“A new documentary recounts the history of contemporary Christian music from its roots among California hippies to today’s multimillion-dollar industry.” - RNS(link is external)

(Related at Christianity Today(link is external))

Trans doctor warns against puberty blockers: Medical community 'zigged' too far Left

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“Two trans-identified healthcare professionals are raising concerns about the rush to affirm children suffering from gender dysphoria and the longterm consequences of puberty blockers.” - C.Post(link is external)

Barna: 62% of Americans Say They Deeply Trust Pastors in Their Community

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Practicing Christians who say local pastors are aware of their community’s needs: 73%; non-praciticing Christians: 63%; non-Christians: 44%. - Barna Research(link is external)