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Richard Gregory Bio

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Richard (Dick) Gregory entered glory July 23, 2013. He pastored for 57 years (two churches while in school, then as senior pastor of three). He ministered on the boards of several Christian organizations. As a member of two mission agency boards and executive director of IFCA International, he traveled to 28 countries and lectured in 26 colleges and seven seminaries.

Paul Seger Bio

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Paul Seger is General Director of Biblical Ministries Worldwide of Atlanta and President of the Board of Directors of IFCA International. Paul grew up on the mission field of Nigeria, later graduated from Appalachian Bible College and Faith Baptist Bible College then planted churches in South Africa for seventeen years. He blogs at paulseger.com.

Daniel Brown Bio

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Daniel Brown serves on the faculty of Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary where he provides instruction in pastoral ministry and Bible. He has served in a variety of pastoral roles in addition to teaching on the faculty at Denver Baptist Bible College and Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Brown holds the MDiv and ThM from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary and the DMin from Westminster Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Mary Jo, have been blessed with four daughters.

John Miles Bio

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John Miles passed away in 2009 after serving for many years as president of Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music (now Cornerstone Univ.) and as an instructor at Frontier School of the Bible (LaGrange, WY).

Aaron Blumer 2014 Bio

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Aaron Blumer, is a Michigan native and graduate of Bob Jones University and Central Baptist Theological Seminary (Plymouth, MN). He and his family live in small-town western Wisconsin, not far from where he pastored Grace Baptist Church for thirteen years.

Christopher Cone 2014 Bio

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Christopher Cone (ThD, PhD) is former President of Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, and serves as pastor of Tyndale Bible Church. He is the author and editor of several books and blogs at drcone.com.

Josh Savage Bio

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Josh Savage holds a Th.G. in Theology with a Counseling emphasis from Southeastern Baptist College in Huntsville, Alabama. The pastor at Victory Baptist Church, he is a happily married father of four who resides in Eden, North Carolina. He blogs theology at victoryofeden.com/pastors-blog, and is an avid reader and student of Theology. He can also be found occasionally as a guest contributor at a devotional blog, tabernaclefortoday.org.

Ben Hicks Bio

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Benjamin Hicks graduated from Bob Jones University with a BA in Bible and is currently a seminary student at Bob Jones Seminary working on an MA in Theological Studies.

Luke Bolton Bio

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L. Bolton currently oversees the educational ministries at All Nations Baptist Church, (Minneapolis, MN) and is completing his MDiv at Central Baptist Theological Seminary, (Plymouth, MN). He and his wife, Lisa, have two young boys. They have served together in cross-cultural ministry and education for about seven years.

Jared Compton Bio

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Jared Compton is an assistant professor of New Testament at DBTS, having joined the faculty in 2011. He received his M.Div. from DBTS in 2007 and a Ph.D. in New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL, in 2013. He is a member of a handful of scholarly societies (ETS, IBR, SBL) and currently serves on the editorial board for the Trinity Journal. He and his wife Charisse have three children.

Joel Shaffer bio

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Joel Shaffer is founder and Executive Director of Urban Transformation Ministries (UTM) and a deacon at New City Church in Grand Rapids, MI. Joel received his undergraduate degree from Michigan’s Cornerstone University. He completed his Masters in Intercultural studies at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

David Brumbelow Bio

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David R. Brumbelow is pastor of Northside Baptist Church, Highlands, Texas and a graduate of ETBU and SWBTS. David is the author of “Ancient Wine and the Bible” and “The Wit and Wisdom of Pastor Joe Brumbelow.” He writes at gulfcoastpastor.blogspot.com.

Pastor Doug Bio

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Doug Brown was born and raised in Ohio and is an USAF veteran (1990-1992) who has a BA in Pastoral Studies from Bob Jones University. He was ordained by Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Taylors, SC in 1999. He pastored Madawaska Gospel Church in Madawaska, Maine for 12 years (2001-2013) until he and his wife, Sherry, and their two daughters, Rebecca and Sarah, returned to the Greenville, SC area in October 2013 for him to become the assistant pastor to Dr. Michael Gray at Colonial Hills Baptist Church.

Paul Tautges Bio

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Dr. Paul Tautges served in pastoral ministry for twenty-two years. He is the husband of Karen and father of ten. Paul is also an adjunct professor of biblical counseling, conference speaker, and author of eight books including Counsel One Another, Comfort Those Who Grieve, Discipline of Mercy, and Brass Heavens. He also serves as the series editor for the HELP! discipleship counseling booklet series. Paul is also a teaching fellow with ACBC (formerly NANC).

Greg Barkman Bio

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G. N. Barkman received his BA and MA from BJU and later founded Beacon Baptist Church in Burlington, NC where has pastored for over 40 years. In addition, Pastor Barkman broadcasts over several radio stations in NC, VA, TN, and the island of Granada and conducts annual pastors’ training seminars in Zimbabwe, Africa. He and his wife, Marti have been blessed with four daughters and six grandchildren.

Richard Bargas Bio

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Richard Bargas (BA, Biola Univ.; MDiv, DMin, The Master's Seminary) is the Executive Director of IFCA International and the Editor of the VOICE magazine. He blogs at Always Reforming.

Ken Rathbun Bio

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Dr. Ken Rathbun is a graduate of Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary and the academic dean of Fairview Baptist Bible College in Jamaica. Ken has taught or preached around the world, including Australia, Brazil, England, Guyana, India, Liberia, New Zealand, Scotland, and Thailand. He is currently writing a book on Kingdom teaching from the minor prophets. Ken be reached at kenrathbun70@yahoo.com.

Greg Linscott Bio

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Greg Linscott is pastor of First Baptist Church of Marshall, MN (since 2008), and a graduate of Faith Baptist Bible College (Ankeny, Iowa) and Baptist Bible Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA). He and his wife Jennifer have seven children.

Tyler Robbins 2014 Bio

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Tyler Robbins is the Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Divernon, Illinois. He and his wife, Starla, have three children.

Brian Dempsey Bio

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Brian Dempsey is the Lead Pastor of Washington Baptist Church in Dillsboro, IN. Brian has degrees from Northland Baptist Bible College (BA), Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv) and is currently a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (DMin).

Jack Klem Bio

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Dr. John F. Klem became the fifth president of Clearwater Christian College in 2012. After receiving his BS from Lancaster Bible College in Lancaster, PA, Dr. Klem went on to earn his MDiv and ThM from Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks-Summit, PA, and a ThD from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Plymouth, MN.

Charles Petitt Bio

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Charles Petitt has served as the fifth president of Piedmont International Univ. since 2002. Previously, he and his wife, Dawn, served in church planting in the Atlanta area, and as a missionary in the West Indies. He studied at Baptist University of America as well as Bob Jones University and was awarded the DD by Temple Baptist Universty in 2002.

Dean Taylor Bio

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Dean Taylor is Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Simpsonville, South Carolina. He has served in pastoral ministry for twenty-five years. Dean is a graduate of Bob Jones University and Seminary (BA Bible, MA Theology, MDiv) and Northland International University (DSM). His delights include his family, reading, and the great outdoors.

C. D. Cauthorne Bio

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C. D. Cauthorne Jr. earned his BA and MA at Bob Jones University during the 1990s. He and his wife Heather serve at Calvary Baptist Church near Clintwood, Virginia, where C. D. is pastor.

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Stephen Davey Bio

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Stephen Davey is senior pastor of Colonial Baptist Church and president of Shepherds Theological Seminary, as well as principal Bible teacher on the “Wisdom for the Heart” broadcast. After earning his MDiv from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary and ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, Stephen and his wife, Marsha, moved from Dallas to Cary, NC and started Colonial Baptist Church. In 2003, Stephen and the elders of Colonial founded Shepherds Theological Seminary.

Ben Edwards Bio

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Ben Edwards is the Executive Pastor of Inter-City Baptist Church, where he has served since 2008. Ben is also the Director of Urban Ministry for ICBC, leading the evangelistic and discipleship efforts of the campus ministry team at Wayne State University and coordinating outreach into the Detroit Midtown area. Ben received his MA from Northland International University, his MDiv from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, and is engaged in PhD work at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville).

Fred Plastow Bio

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Fred Plastow has had 30 years f field experience among Muslims through Avant Ministries (formerly Gospel Missionary Union). In past years he has presented a seminar series on Understanding Islam in many churches and IFCA Regionals.

Christopher Cone 2015 Bio

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Dr. Christopher Cone serves as Chief Academic Officer and Research Professor of Bible and Theology at Southern California Seminary. He formerly served as President of Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, Professor of Bible and Theology, and as a Pastor of Tyndale Bible Church. He has also held several teaching positions and is the author and general editor of several books. He blogs regularly at drcone.com.

Travis Huseby Bio

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Travis Huseby is Pastor of Educaiton and Outreach at Byron Center (MI) Bible Church and IFCA National Youth Representative.