
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
This series consists of the contents of the twelve volume publication known as The Fundamentals: A Testimony to the Truth, originally published from 1910-1915 “compliments of two Christian laymen.”
We have attempted to correct scan errors but preserve the text otherwise unaltered. Since our margins are not fixed, hyphenated words at line breaks have been de-hyphenated except where they cross page boundaries. We have noted the original pagination. Text in square brackets is original. Any editorial notes of our own appear in {curly brackets}. The original published series frequently uses * * * for elipses (…) to show omitted material in quotations. We have left these as they were.
Duncan Johnson is a Bible prof at Foundation Baptist College in Edmonton, Alberta. He has an M.Div. from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. Duncan, his wife Meg, and his daughter Charisse attend Meadowlands Baptist Church.
This essay is by Michael P. Riley, Assistant to the President at Central Baptist Theological Seminary and Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of Wakefield, Michigan. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.
Bill Combs serves as Academic Dean as well as Professor of New Testament at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, where he has been teaching since 1983. He earned his BA at Tennessee Temple University, and his MDiv and ThM degrees at Temple Baptist Theological Seminary. He holds a ThD from Grace Theological Seminary. Dr. Combs has also served in pastoral ministry. He and his wife Pansy are members of Inter-City Baptist Church in Allen Park, MI.
Jamie Hart is senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel in Ft. Wayne, Indiania. Prior to his full time ministry roles, he studied at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA. He and his family live in Elkart. He blogs at The Geeky Pastor.
Will Varner is Professor of Bible & Greek at The Master’s College. He earned a BA from Bob Jones University, MA from Dropsie College, MDiv and ThM from Biblical Theological Seminary and EdD fromTemple University. He blogs at DrIBEX Ideas.
Susan is West Virginia born and raised, and now lives in SW Ohio with her loving and supportive husband. She has four energetic and imaginative kids, an elderly-but-feisty mom, and an attack Yorkie. The Rabers have been dedicated homeschoolers since 1994. Their firstborn graduated in 2006 and has gone on to serve in the military and start a life of his own.
Wyatt Graham was born in Canada, traveled to Virginia and now lives in Los Angeles. He is pursuing his ThM in Old Testament studies at the Master’s Seminary and serves as an intern at Grace Community Church.
Jeremy Larson earned a BA in creative writing (English minor) and an MA in English, both at Bob Jones University. He has taught high school and college English for several years, and he and his wife and daughter recently moved to Waco, TX, where he will begin PhD studies in English at Baylor University (with a dual concentration in religion and literature). He blogs occasionally at The Mundane Muse.
Dan Hall is currently the Director of Youth Ministries at Inverness Presbyterian Church in Dundalk, Maryland. He graduated in December, 2009 from Millersville University with a Degree to teach social studies, and is currently pursuing a M.Div from Reformed Theological Seminary in McLean, VA. He has a deep love for Reformed Theology, Ramen Noodles, several very important people in his life, and his kitten, Sampson.
Mark Snoeberger is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary and has served as Director of Library Services since 1997. He received his M.Div. and Th.M. from DBTS and earned a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, PA. Prior to joining the DBTS staff, he served for three years as an assistant pastor.
William Arp, (ThD, Grace Theological Seminary) has taught various New Testament and Greek courses at Baptist Bible Seminary since 1988. Before teaching at BBS, he taught at BBC for 18 years. He has written two Sunday school quarterlies as well as several journal articles and is active in ministry at Heritage Baptist Church.
Tyler Robbins is the Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Divernon, Illinois. He has been married to his wife Starla for 10 years and they have three children. He recently separated from the U.S. Navy after 10 years as a Military Police Investigator and Anti-Terrorism Planner. He is a student at Maranatha Baptist Seminary, studying for his MDiv.
Tim Little has served on the faculty of Faith Baptist Theological Seminary since 2004. He earned his BRE from Practical Bible College (now Davis College) MA and MDiv degrees from FBTS, and his ThM from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Tim and his wife, Angela live with their two Children in Des Moines, Iowa. They serve at Faith Baptist Church in Cambridge.
William Dudding is one of the pastors at Mission Peak Baptist Church in Fremont, California. He also blogs at The Reforming Baptist. William graduated from Golden State Baptist College in 2000.
Nathan Busenitz serves on the pastoral staff of Grace Church and teaches theology at The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles.
Daniel Ruiz, MMin, MABS, MDiv, is pastor of Hope Community Baptist Church in Cherry Valley, CA. He is also an adjunct professor at Bible Baptist College in Clark Summit, PA.
Andy Stearns is an adjunct professor teaching Greek at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. He has earned BS, MA, and MDiv degrees from Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary and the ThM degree from Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. He and his wife, Robyn, are active members at Faith Baptist Church in Cambridge, Iowa.
“Mike” grew up as an MK in the jungles of South America. He came to the US for formal ministry training and attended Northland International University for both college and grad school, where he also met his future wife. He and his wife are now the parents of two girls.
Mathew Sims is an average Joe who works a 9 to 5. He writes at Grace for Sinners and has contributed at Gospel-Centered Discipleship and Project TGM. He lives in Simpsonville, SC and loves spending time with his two daughters and wife.
Greg Long (M.Div., Faith Baptist Theological Seminary; Ed.D. candidate, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the Pastor of Adult Ministries at Grace Church in Des Moines, IA. He and his wife, Christy, have two boys, Nathan and Andrew, and one beagle, Sophie.
Jim is a business systems consultant in desktop engineering at Wells Fargo Bank where he has worked for 20 years. He formerly served as a pastor for 16 years, and is now a member of Fourth Baptist Church where he serves in the ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) ministry. He is also a member of Toastmasters International and The Mayflower Society.
Shane Walker became the pastor of Andover Baptist Church, Linthicum, MD in June of 2007. Raised in Iowa, Shane graduated from the University of Iowa in 1996. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Kimberly, have four children: Hannah, Malee, James, and John.
Stephen Enjaian received his BS and MEd in history education from Bob Jones University. He currently lives in Simpsonville, SC. His church community is Heritage Bible Church in Greer, SC, where he serves on the mission partner committee and with his wife and daughter as a volunteer children’s worker. He blogs at
Dr. Larry Oats is the Dean of Maranatha Baptist Seminary and has served in a variety of faculty and administrative positions during his 40 year career at Maranatha.
Earl Brubaker is a vetern church planting missionary in the NW United States. He served as General Director of the Northwest Independent Church Extension, located in Tacoma, WA and as president of the IFCA Board of Directors from 2009-2013.
Larry Nelson is a graduate of “an exemplary Christian school,” holds a BA in history from the University of Minnesota and has been employed in banking for over twenty-two years. He is a member of a Baptist church in the Minneapolis St. Paul area.
Chris Lofquist is pastor of New Hope Bible Church in Seven Valleys, PA. He is a graduate of Word of Life Bible Institute and Grace College (Winona Lake, IN) and is currently pursuing his M.Min. at Lancaster Bible College. God has blessed him and his wife with three little boys.
Dr. Glenn Daman is graduate of Western Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and serves as pastor of First Baptist Church, Stevenson WA. He has published three books on small church ministry and is Director of the Small Church Leadership Network.
Don Anderson teaches at Faith Baptist Bible College, Ankeny IA and chairs the Department of Local Church Ministries. He has more than 30 years experience in local church educational ministries and served for 23 years at Regular Baptist Press, gaining insight into local church ministries from the viewpoint of both practitioner and publisher. He and his wife, Elly, live in Ankeny and are active members of Ankeny Baptist Church.