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Gary Gilley Bio

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Gary Gilley has served as Senior Pastor of Southern View Chapel in Springfield, Illinois since 1975. He has authored several books and is the book review editor for the Journal of Dispensational Theology. He received his BA from Moody Bible Institute. He and his wife Marsha have two adult sons and six grandchildren.

jimfrank Bio

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Jim Franklin is a native of Covington, Kentucky and is 2004 graduate of Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. He earned his MA in Theological Studies at age 50. He served twenty years in the US Air Force as a supply specialist and medical technician, retiring in 1997 as a Technical Sergeant. Jim was an Adjunct Professor of English with Grace College’s Prison Extension Division from 2008 to 2011. He is currently the pastor of Flora Grace Brethren Church, Flora, Indiana. Jim is married to Alice. They have two adult sons.

danchapa Bio

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Dan Chapa was saved at an early age and Christ is the most important part of his life. He has attended independent or Southern Baptists Churches his entire life. His main ministries have been evangelism and teaching Sunday school, but he has also enjoyed discussing Calvinism/Arminianism over the years. He is a member of SEA and blogs at arminianchronicles.com. He lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two boys.

kenrathbun Bio

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Ken Rathbun is a missionary teacher with Baptist Mid-MIssions at Fairview Baptist Bible College in Westmoreland, Jmaica. He earned his BA and MDiv degrees at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. In addition, he has completed an MA in the History of Religions from the Univ. of Iowa and a PhD from the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica. Ken has taught or preached in Australia, Brazil, England, Guyana, India, Libera, New Zealand, Scotland and Thailand. His wife Cléa is an MA student at FBTS.

handerson Bio

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Hannah R. Anderson lives in Roanoke, VA where she spends her days mothering three small children, loving her husband, and scratching out odd moments to write. She blogs at Sometimes a Light and has recently published Made For More.

Joseph Leavell Bio

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Joe Leavell lives in Phoenix with his wife Rebekah and three children: Philip (8), Caleb (5) and Sophia (almost 2). After serving as a senior pastor of a church in northern California for three years, Joe stepped down to pursue a Master’s degree in biblical counseling from Master’s College. Joe and his family are members of South East Valley Baptist Church in Gilbert, AZ.

DaviddB Bio

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David de Bruyn completed Media Studies and a Bachelor of Theology in his native land, South Africa, before pursuing the Master of Arts in Theology through Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was ordained to the ministry in 2005 and currently pastors New Covenant Baptist Church in Johannesburg, South Africa. Since 1999 he has presented a weekly radio program that is heard throughout much of central South Africa. He also blogs at Towards Conservative Christianity.

Jeff Straub Bio

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Jeff Straub (PhD, Southern Baptist Seminary) is professor of historical theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Plymouth, MN. Not every one of the professors, students, or alumni of Central Seminary necessarily agrees with every opinion that it expresses.

Steph L Bio

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Stephanie Ludlum holds a BA in creative writing, an MS in counseling, and an MA in English from

GScottJones Bio

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Dr. Scott Jones is pastoring his third church in Wisconsin. His first was a plant in Phillips, WI. His second was a recovery through the construction of a new building in Wild Rose, WI. His current work is in a young church in a growing part of Kenosha, WI. He has been married for 22 years to Robin, and they have three children. His undergrad and graduate degrees are from Northland Baptist Bible College, where he wrote on Biblical Anthropology for his dissertation. He has also written and self-published “Light on Eternal Life” a devotional commentary on the Gospel of John.

skjnoble Bio

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Kim Noble loves being a wife to Scott and a mother to three blessings named J.D. (11), Ellie (6), and Cal (4). In between building her home, she is privileged to serve at Grace Church in Hartford, CT and in her spare time, loves to write songs of inspiration that build up the Church. You can find her occasionally writing and “blog harvesting” at her blog, Becoming A Titus 2 Woman.

DavidO Bio

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David Oestreich is a follower of Jesus Christ living in Northwest Ohio with his wife and three children. He is a maker of poems, photographs, fishing flies, and Saturday afternoon semi-haute cuisine. He is active in the music and Sunday School ministries of his local church.

nbanuchi Bio

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Nelson Banuchi has been a Christian for 38 years. Originally from New York City, he has served as a deacon in several churches as well as leading Bible Studies for children and adults, counseling, and preaching on occasion. He moved to Concord, NC in ‘08. His main study interests are biblical theology, Arminianism and revivalism. He is married and has two daughters and three grandchildren.


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This book was provided by the publisher for review. The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

Myron Houghton Bio

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Myron J. Houghton is the Senior Professor of Systematic Theology and director of the Master of Arts Theological Studies program at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary. He taught at Denver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary before coming to Faith in 1983. His earned degrees include the following: BA, Pillsbury Baptist Bible College; BD, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary; ThM, Grace Theological Seminary; PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary; MLA, Southern Methodist University; MA St. Thomas Theological Seminary; ThD, Concordia Seminary.

Rodney Decker Bio

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Rodney J. Decker (ThD, Central Baptist Theological Seminary) is professor of New Testament and Greek at Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, Pa., and a member of Northmoreland Baptist Church, Tunkhannock, Pa. He has published two major books (Temporal Deixis of the Greek Verb, vol.

Christopher Cone Bio

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Christopher Cone (ThD, PhD) is the President of Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute, pastor of Tyndale Bible Church and author and editor of several books.

Dan Burrell Bio

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Dan L. Burrell, Ed.D., is the Executive Pastor at Life Fellowship Church in Cornelius, NC. Previously he has served as Senior Pastor in West Palm Beach, FL and Charlotte, NC. He has long been active in Christian education, holds a doctorate in Educational Administration and served as president of the Florida Association of Christian Schools in addition to serving on the boards and faculties of several Bible colleges. He currently serves as Associate Professor/Instructional Mentor for Liberty University. Dan blogs at Whirled Views.

Red Phillips Bio

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Dan E. Phillips is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Mercer University School of Medicine in Macon, Georgia. He has a BS in Zoology from the University of Georgia, and an MD from Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. He did his psychiatric residency training in the Air Force at Wilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Robert Delnay Bio

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Robert Delnay holds a Th.D degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has taught in a number of Bible colleges and seminaries and is currently an adjunct faculty member of Clearwater Christian College in Clearwater, Florida. His publications include A History of the Baptist Bible Union, Teach As He Taught, Fire in Your Pulpit, and numerous articles.

leecompson32 Bio

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Lee Compson is Director of Seminary Admissions at Grace Theological Seminary (Winona Lake, IN) and Director of College and Young Adult Ministry at Pleasant View Bible church (Warsaw, IN).

Chris Anderson Bio

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Chris Anderson is an author, hymnwriter, husband, father and pastor (Kilian Hill Baptist Church) and hosts ChurchWorksMedia.com.

kevinjthompson Bio

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Kevin Thompson has a BA in Pastoral Ministries from Pensacola Christian College. In the past he has served as a youth pastor and an assistant pastor in the Northeast. He also ran for U.S. Congress in 2007. Currently Kevin is a member of Morning Star Church in Rockford, IL and serves as the Bible teacher at Rock County Christian School in Beloit, WI. He can also be found blogging at the Thompsonian Times Blog where you can also listen to his podcast.

Marsilius Bio

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“Marsilius” has a PhD in systematic theology and many years of pastoral ministry experience. He has a temporary need to remain anonymous.

Les Lofquist Bio

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Les Lofquist earned his BA at Grace College, and his MDiv at Grace Theological Seminary. Over his years of ministry, he has served as a missionary church planter, Bible college instructor, youth pastor and senior pastor. He has served as Executive Director of IFCA since 1999. He and his wife Miriam have been blessed with several children and grandchildren.

Joel Tetreau Bio

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Joel Tetreau has over twenty years of pastoral ministry experience and presently serves as senior pastor at Southeast Valley Baptist Church in Gilbert, AZ. He is married to Toni, has three sons and serves on the boards of several ministries. He earned his MDiv at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary and his DMin at Central Seminary. When it’s not 120°F, he enjoys the outdoors. In the near future, he expects to publish his book, The Pyramid and The Box: The Decision-Making Process in a Local NT Church. You can reach Joel via email at pastorjoel@sevbc.org.

Jim Jeffery Bio

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Jim Jeffery is President of Baptist Bible College & Seminary (Clarks Summit, PA). He serves, as a pastor for 26 years prior to becoming President in 2001. Reach him at 570.585.9201 or jjcffery at bbc.edu.

Brad Kelly Bio

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Brad Kelly is a husband and father of three. After graduating from Northland Baptist Bible College he and his wife Abigail served for two years in China as English teachers. They returned to the States to pursue seminary education at Bob Jones University. Currently he is pastor at Banquo Christian Church in Banquo, Indiana.

About this Series

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This series consists of the contents of the twelve volume publication known as The Fundamentals: A Testimony to the Truth, originally published from 1910-1915 “compliments of two Christian laymen.”

We have attempted to correct scan errors but preserve the text otherwise unaltered. Since our margins are not fixed, hyphenated words at line breaks have been de-hyphenated except where they cross page boundaries. We have noted the original pagination. Text in square brackets is original. Any editorial notes of our own appear in {curly brackets}. The original published series frequently uses * * * for elipses (…) to show omitted material in quotations. We have left these as they were.

dtjohnso Bio

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Duncan Johnson is a Bible prof at Foundation Baptist College in Edmonton, Alberta. He has an M.Div. from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. Duncan, his wife Meg, and his daughter Charisse attend Meadowlands Baptist Church.