Texas Senate gives preliminary approval to religious refusal bill


The bill “would prohibit a state agency from adopting ‘any rule, regulation, or policy’ that would burden an occupational license holder’s ‘free exercise of religion’ or ‘freedom of speech regarding a sincerely held religious belief.’..The proposed legislation has been criticized by LGBT rights advocates who claim it will permit discrimination.” - Jurist


No, Biblical Israel Isn’t an Argument That God Ordained Nationalism


“Yes, there are moments when nationalism is vital. Wars for national survival come to mind. But the enduring unity of a people must be based on something greater, and the value of the nation is measured by factors well beyond its mere existence. Israel stands as a symbol of the power of the virtuous purpose and divine providence, not of divine preference for national governments.” - David French


"The film is many things—gritty, harsh, unsettling, inspiring—but it is above all thought-provoking and challenging."


“God’s mercy is referenced during the film, but in a vague, theologically accommodating manner that a Bible-believing Christian will find the need to expand on in significant ways. With that said, Abby’s story leads into the gospel so well, with questions about forgiveness and the basis for forgiveness, even to the repentant director of a clinic who was complicit in more than 22,000 abortions.” - Greg Linscott
