Most US Christians find Trump signing Bibles inappropriate: poll


“Only 39 percent of Christians in the U.S. think it would be inappropriate for a pastor, priest or Christian leader to sign the cover of a Bible….a Morning Consult poll released Monday (March 18) shows nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of Christians in the U.S. found it inappropriate when Trump signed” Bibles earlier this month.


Calls for social justice are sometimes just ruinous calls for payback


“The dissolution of the academy into intersectional turf wars is already an old story. But Williams’ sad tale points to something beyond that. She notes that ‘diversity’ was scarcely mentioned on the panel… ‘The panel wasn’t really about any of that, or even ultimately about race, but rather about how to destroy classics.’” - Robespierre’s road


Fetal Heartbeat Abortion Ban Blocked by Kentucky Judge


“The judge’s order blocks the bill for 14 days or until the day he could hold a hearing deciding its constitutionality. Judge Hale also blocked another bill which banned abortions in events where the mother was seen to discriminate against the fetus for its disability, gender, or race. Judge Hale found the bills to be unconstitutional.” - WRN


Researchers double-checking polls on religion’s demise


“The increased reliance on web-based research for public opinion surveys is raising questions about the relevance of long-accepted political and social trends documented in decades of telephone polling. … prominently and consistently reported declines in belief and church attendance may be less dramatic than reported over the past two or three decades.” - BNGlobal
