Buttigieg plays the religion card


“Religious contention of this sort is not unheard of in the history of American presidential campaigns. What’s unprecedented is for candidates to engage in it.” - RNS


Is Religious Decline Inevitable in the United States?


“[S]ecularization theory … posits that as societies become more economically prosperous and obtain higher levels of education, the inevitable result is a movement away from organized religion and toward secularization.” - CToday


9 Things You Should Know About Notre Dame Cathedral


“During the anti-Christian fervor of the French Revolution, Notre Dame was turned into a Temple of Reason and rededicated to the atheistic Cult of Reason. Later, when the Committee of Public Safety, which controlled France, decreed worship of a Supreme Being, it was rededicated to the deistic Cult of the Supreme Being.” - TGC


"The Equality Act, which has 237 Democratic co-sponsors in the U.S. House, would formally recognize gender identity ideology in law for the first time."


“Every lawmaker will soon have to confront this bill and its biological denialism….We hope and believe that all Americans will show compassion and genuine love for the transgendered persons they know or meet. It is wrong to mock or belittle people for being different. That said, biology is what it is.” - W. Examiner


ERLC's AI statement voices hope, concern


“The statement comes at a time when artificial intelligence (AI) is growing in use with such products as Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa to driverless cars and applications in such fields as business, finance, health care and the military.” - BPNews
