Two Incompatible & Mutually Hostile Worldviews


“I’m not sure these researchers fully engage [the worldview concept] and the complexity that often arises. For example, is morality based on a transcendent absolute or do we make it up for ourselves? OK, we can see that social conservatives believe the former, while social liberals believe the latter. But…” - Gene Veith


Pro-Trump preachers on message against impeachment probe


“Evangelicals understand that the effort to impeach President Trump is really an effort to impeach our own deeply-held faith values, and we’re not going to allow that to happen,” Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, said Nov. 1 on Fox Business. “That’s why you’re getting such pushback to impeachment from his evangelical base.” - BNG


Bernie Sanders: ‘Thank God’ for capitalism


“Sanders’ statement takes on greater significance given the context of his interviewer’s question: Bernie Sanders credited capitalism with lifting 1.2 billion people out of extreme poverty.” - Acton


Marvin Olasky on the Affinity Between Socialism and Slavery


“Hold ‘property in common’ and divide ‘the profits, not according to each man’s input and labor, but according to each man’s wants.’ Does that sound appealing? Congratulations, you have just applauded a major defender of slavery.” - WORLD


'Golden Rule 2020': Churches pray for civility in presidential election


“Known as ‘Golden Rule 2020: A Call for Dignity and Respect in Politics,’ the prayer campaign [began November 3], as it marks exactly one year before the election. Golden Rule 2020 was part of the Revive Civility project, which is overseen by the University of Arizona’s National Institute for Civil Discourse.” - Christian Post


Christian Persecution and the Origins of Religious Freedom


Tertullian “asserted that it is a ‘fundamental human right, a privilege of nature, that every man should worship according to his own convictions.’ He was the first to argue for religious toleration as a general principle and, in so doing, coined the phrase ‘freedom of religion’ (libertas religionis).” - IFWE


Inside the dystopian nightmare of an internet shutdown


“In 2018 there were 196 documented internet shutdowns [by governments] across 25 countries, primarily in Asia and Africa, according to a report released by the Keep It On coalition.” - Cnet
