Doctors stand up to gender transition surgeries


“Van Mol …. said more and more people on both sides of the political divide—and even many transgender adults—are beginning to agree that, at the very least, minors shouldn’t get sex-reassignment treatments.


The Place To Begin When Learning About Social Justice


“The book of Proverbs is about training the mind in order to live a God-honoring life, for right living follows right thinking. It exists so the reader can ‘know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight’ which will equip him to excel ‘in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity’ (v. 2-3).” - Challies


On Well-Intentioned Viral Campaigns


“We’re going to come to a solution, if we ever do, one person at a time, by holding ourselves accountable, speaking in wisdom, and committing to be part of the solution rather than merely ratcheting up the rage.” - Dan Olinger


Evangelicals Call for Police and Criminal Justice Reform


“At the heart of the nonpartisan effort are a set of broad priorities that include some specific policy changes. For example, the initiative is calling for greater public disclosure of reports on use of force by law enforcement agents, deaths in custody, and other metrics.” - C.Today


The U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights Sidesteps Abortion


“The reasons for the omission are perhaps understandable. For one thing, the report’s introduction notes that the commissioners ‘are not of one mind on many issues where there are conflicting interpretations of human rights claims,’ including abortion.


The Election and the National Mood


“I think Harris is onto something, but I don’t think his distinction between the ‘bland’ and the ‘flamboyant’ quite captures it. I think the distinction is between ‘normalcy’ and ‘disruption.’” - Veith
