Bill Gates, Vaccines, Microchips, and 5G: Shattering COVID-19 Myths


“What fascinates me though, is some people’s propensity to send a link to a YouTube clip, news article, or Facebook post as the final word. Little is done to check its source or accuracy: ‘I saw this, and it contradicts what you’re saying, so you’re wrong.’ That’s their message over and over.” - Rob Buckingham


The Futility of Coercing or Punishing Belief


“…trying to use force to compel belief is both impossible (external pressure cannot change inner conviction, though it might bring external conformity that the person doesn’t really believe) and counter-productive (pressure and punishment turns people against the approved ideas).” - Veith


Trump's new Supreme Court list: The good and the bad


“…while there are some excellent names on Trump’s expanded list — Kyle Duncan of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is particularly impressive — there also are some people who may be impressive people but who aren’t legitimately ready for, or of the right legal background for, the Supreme Court.” - Hillyer


The Coming Election Chaos?


“… a number of states require only that mail-in ballots be postmarked by November 3, meaning that they will be received and counted. And some states have a deadline for receiving mail-in votes that is long after election day.” - Veith


How to beat the ‘social recession’ of COVID-19


“We are facing a ‘social recession,’ argues the Manhattan Institute’s Michael Hendrix, driven by a mix of stress over public health, economic anxiety, and the isolating effects of physical distancing. ‘Disasters often have a way of bringing communities together,’ he writes. ‘But not this pandemic.’” - Acton


QAnon, Conspiracies, and Discipling the Way Out


In a recent USA Today article, “I concluded that ‘we need pastors, leaders, and everyday Christians to address this conspiracy, and others like it, before others are fooled.’ With this in mind, I wanted to address some pushback and offer some steps leaders can take.” - Ed Stetzer


Pushing back against the madness

I’m a bi-vocational pastor who works in the real world. In my own small way, I am fighting against the anti-racism madness sweeping our society.


“Is a warlike posture the proper response to an increasingly anti-Christian society?”


“The problem with the culture-war approach is not that it (rightly) discerns opposition from the world. The problem is in the chosen mode of response. By embracing the culture-war paradigm, many Christians adopt—likely inadvertently—an ‘all’s fair in love and war’ perspective….And so we employ battle tactics we normally would not find defensible” - TGC
