Courthouse creche allowed


“Jackson County, Ind., can enjoy its holiday cheer, at least for now. A federal appeals court on Thursday hit pause on a lower court order that found a Nativity scene in front of the county courthouse unconstitutionally promoted Christianity.” - WORLD


Why Thanksgiving Is a Cultural “Ebenezer” to Be Grateful For


“Robinson is not suggesting in his hymn that we all go out and build monuments to God. Rather, as he observes in the next stanza, our hearts are prone to wander and we need touchstones in our lives to remind us what God has done for us individually and, by extension, all God’s people ‘thus far.’” - TIFWE


Why I believe the Apostle Paul would choose to wear a mask


“It would be difficult to argue that Paul was a patsy. He was nobody’s fool… Paul was thoughtfully and carefully engaged in culture and seemed to know exactly how to handle himself regardless of the circumstances. In his own words: ‘I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some.


The Most Important Philosopher of Whom You Have (Probably) Never Heard


“…Augusto Del Noce was one of the most perceptive late-twentieth-century critics of both secularism and the sexual revolution. Indeed, his most important work is arguably that which drew an intimate and necessary connection between these two phenomena: the abolition of Christianity as a dominant cultural force and the transformation of sexual morality.” - Carl Trueman
