Percentage of Christian registered voters drops 15% since 2008: Pew


“Registered Republican voters have seemingly moved away from God at a slower rate, dropping from 87% Christian in 2008 to 79% Christian in 2019. In comparison, the number of religiously unaffiliated voters has almost doubled from 15% to 28% in the same years.” - C.Post


Don’t Demonize, Show Honor: Responding to Others After This Election Ends


“[N]o matter what happens, what shall we say to our church on Sunday? …There’s the usual stuff I will say: comfort those whose candidate lost with the certainty of Christ’s victory. Caution those whose candidate won from putting too much hope in the outcome of any election…” - 9 Marks


Bush v. Gore: Lessons from a Litigated Election


“Republicans’ constitutional advocacy never found its bearings until the eleventh hour and fifty-ninth minute of the case. The situation may have been salvaged in the end only through a prescient intervention—made separate from, perhaps unbeknownst to, lawyers formally representing George W. Bush.” - Law & Liberty


Vatican: Pope’s Comments on Same-Sex Civil Unions Was Doctored


“…the Vatican confirmed that Francis was referring to his position in 2010 when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires and strongly opposed moves to allow same-sex marriage. Instead, he favored extending legal protections to gay couples under what is understood in Argentina as a civil union law.” - Fox


New Zealand Referendum Says yes to Euthanasia


“Euthanasia will be legalized in New Zealand….It will allow people suffering a terminal illness with less than six months to live to end their life. However, the final results will not be released until next week.” - MCD
