Leniency vs. mercy in Oregon’s juvenile justice system


“ ‘When basic long-term needs are not being met—food, shelter, safety, nurturing, etc.—young people will begin to think only short-term,’ Kelly said, adding that Christians ‘need to advocate for a proportional response that balances society’s need for accountability with restoration, forgiveness, and most of all, genuine understanding.’” - WORLD


Don’t Immanentize the Eschaton: Against Right-Wing Gnosticism


“Eric Voegelin’s warnings about the dangers of gnostic politics apply to the right as well as the left. Christians must make a clear and unequivocal distinction between the historic Christian faith and the misleading political religion that is more pervasive on the right than anyone seemed to realize.” - Public Discourse


Americans Less Optimistic About Race Relations


“Today, 46% say we have made worthwhile progress—28 points fewer than in 2014 when 74% said the same. …’With a change in methodology from telephone in 2014 to online, we cannot say definitively if this decreased optimism is an actual change in sentiment or increased forthrightness’ ” - LifeWay


A Conservative Case for Pro-Family Policy


“With a Biden administration and a Democrat–controlled Congress, conservatives will need to do plenty of yelling ‘stop!’ in the coming months….However, economic support for families is one area where social conservatives can and should find common ground with Democrats.” - Public Discourse


What Is Christian Nationalism?


“An explainer on how the belief differs from other forms of nationalism, patriotism, and Christianity.” - C.Today


Is natural law the answer?

When Christians consider whether and how to legislate morality, we’re immediately confronted with the fact we’re actually asking two questions:
