Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Preach the Gospel to Change Culture


“The Gospel precedes politics, social change, and all else. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16), and all else follows from it. This does not, however, mean a pietistic retreat from society. Just the opposite.” - W. Graham


"Legislating morality?" Thoughts on law and moral culture


“Contra those who insist that “you can’t legislate morality,” it is in fact impossible for law and legislation to refrain from shaping the moral culture. One reason for this is that all laws have a moral logic built into them.” - Acton


How ‘equity’ policy at the Federal Reserve will deepen racial inequality


“…the ‘solution’ creates two new problems. Low interest rates and inflation punish savers and reward investors by making more capital available and driving people to seek a higher rate of return in the stock market. The study found that a monetary shock would raise stock prices by 5%, raising the annual incomes of white people by 200% to 300% more than those of blacks.” - Acton
