The Real Reason Why Scandinavians Are So Happy


“…the research behind the World Happiness Report asks respondents to rate their lives on a scale of one to ten, with ten representing ‘the best possible life for you,’ and one representing the worst. …. the key, says Savolainen, is their low expectations. They don’t expect much, so they are highly satisfied, and, thus, very ‘happy.’” - Veith


From WEIRD to Westboro: The Problem of Christian Reputation


“I asked these students what their classmates associate first with Christianity. I couldn’t believe their answer. But since then I’ve repeated the question with audiences around the country. And every time I hear the same thing. … Westboro Baptist Church.” - Collin Hansen


What does Hamas really want?


“Hamas does not care about how Jews behave. If Jews behave badly, Hamas does not care. If Jews behave nobly, it does not care. There is a reason. Hamas is an organization of Jew-haters.” - Jeffrey Salkin


Millions more Americans turned to Scripture during pandemic, study suggests


“Over an estimated 10 million more Americans turned to the Bible in the past year than in years past, as one in four adults reported reading the Bible more frequently during the pandemic compared to last year, the American Bible Society’s 2021 State of the Bible report suggests.” - C.Post


Do you think America's economy will be shut down or very severely hurt by cyber-attacks within the next five to ten years?

The recent shut down of a pipeline by a Russian gang of ransomware criminals has been an inconvenience. Imagine what would happen, for example, if all power plants across the U.S. went offline. There are, of course, many other possible scenarios.

Will we stay ahead of the game? Will we ever get to the point when everything has a manual override? And, if so, will it be in time?

What are your thoughts?

Poll Results
