Do you believe the government disclosing that they think UFOs are real will have an impact on the evangelical world?

You have probably read about the fact that a commission began by President Trump to come to a conclusion about UFOs and present that conclusion to the people is underway.

The response to recently leaked videos taken by military personnel have led a number of top current and former government higher-ups (even someone like Mark Rubio) to state that people really saw these, their maneuvers are impossible with human technology, and that there is no other explanation other than alien appearances.


US Catholic Bishops expected to advise denying communion to pro-abortion politicians


“According to Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, who chairs the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, advocacy for abortion constitutes a ‘grave moral evil.’ Naumann told The Associated Press that ‘Because President Biden is Catholic, it presents a unique problem for us.’” - C.Post


Survey: Half of U.S. ‘Christians’ Say Casual Sex Is Acceptable


“According to a new survey by Pew Research, half of self-identified Christians in America say casual sex is sometimes or always acceptable. The survey defined casual sex as sex between consenting adults who are not in a committed romantic relationship.” - TGC


America’s Most Popular Worldview—Moralistic Therapeutic Deism


“New findings from the American Worldview Inventory 2021 show that nearly four out of 10 adults (38%) are more likely to embrace elements of MTD than other popular worldviews, including Biblical Theism (or a biblical worldview), Secular Humanism, Postmodernism, Nihilism, Marxism (along with its offshoot, Critical Theory) and Eastern Mysticism (also known as ‘New Age’).” -


What’s good for LeBron is good for Trump


“It’s using one standard for LeBron and another for Trump. It’s accusing the one and excusing the other. It’s saying, ‘Someone with as much influence as LeBron needs to be more responsible,’ while at the same time claiming, ‘Yes, Trump was the most powerful man on the planet, but he was just venting.’” - Michael Brown


Almost half of teens believe many religions may be true, Pew finds


“Among 13- to 17-year-old teenagers, 45 percent believe many religions may be true, far outpacing the 31 percent who believe only one religion is true, Pew said. A much smaller portion, 15 percent, believe there is little to no truth in any religion, and 8 percent believe no religion is true.” - BPNews


Tarot booms as Generation Z sorts out spiritual path


“…when she was 16, said Cargle, ‘I got comfortable with myself, Catholicism and spirituality. … I was no longer afraid to touch a tarot deck.’ Cargle, who now identifies as spiritual but not religious, sees tarot as a tool.” - RNS
