
I had my email notifications turned off for a while…between SI and FB I was drowning. Today I tried to turn it back on, but I’m not getting notifications via email. Did I forget something? Does it only work for those threads I contribute to or start after the time that I reactivate notifications? Help? Please?


Glad to meet you all!


Glad to meet you all. I just discovered this site recently. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far.

I’m a baptist minister in Mobile, AL and I look forward to getting to know you guys better.

God bless you all!



What is full-time vocational ministry, really?

This is a question that I’ve distilled from a much larger and more complicated set of issues in my life right now, but I wondered what you guys have to say to this facet. What does it mean to be in full-time vocational ministry? I know that’s really vague, so let me elaborate. I don’t think anyone would argue that a man who spends his working life during the week fulfilling the responsibilities of a modern pastor (studying, visiting, witnessing, leading his flock, etc.) would be considered to be in full-time vocational service.


When you add formatting to your forum posts, what method do you usually use?

Poll Results

When you add formatting to your forum posts, what method do you usually use?

I manually key in BBcode (square bracket tags like [i] ) Votes: 8
I manually key in HTML Votes: 3
I just use the toolbar Votes: 15
I mix and match about equally Votes: 4
I never use formatting in my posts Votes: 2



The preview feature is not working. I have to Save my posts to see what they look like, and then edit them if there are any changes to be made. Preview used to work but hasn’t recently.


Urgent prayer request

A young Buddhist lady who has become an ardent and zealous Christian under the ministry of our children in Cambodia has come under even greater persecution from her family. They are taking steps to have her removed from the area she lives and works in and the church she is now part of. She was possibly going to be married to a young Christian man and the family is trying to stop that as well. We know “Hooie” well and love her. It is very sad to see the great price she is having to pay for coming to Christ.


Shepherd's Conference

Just wanted to know if any SI Members would be at Shepherd’s Conference this year.


Jesus' or Jesus's?

What is the possessive case of Jesus? I have seen some writers/publishers use “Jesus’ ” and some “Jesus’s”. If someone knows which is correct, why is it grammatically correct?


GNT reading partners

I’ve been reading through the GNT on my own for several years now, sometimes with a few partners. This year, I’m considering doing some GNT reading projects online, if I can find interested people. I would probably host this at my blog, which is currently empty. Here is an example of how it might work:

Project: Ephesians


Eph. 1:1-14 — March 1

Eph. 1:15-23 — March 4

Eph. 2:1-10 — March 7

