Social Involvement without the Social Gospel

social250.jpgRepublished with permission from Baptist Bulletin May/June 2011. All rights reserved.

Can churches create compassionate social ministries in their communities without inadvertently becoming sidetracked from their essential gospel motivation?

The question is not new—a promising young German seminarian slipped down this path in the 1880s. “The idea came to me that I ought to be a preacher, and help to save souls. I wanted to go out as a foreign missionary—I wanted to do hard work for God,” Walter Rauschenbusch said in 1913. “Indeed, one of the great thoughts that came upon me was that I ought to follow Jesus Christ in my personal life, and die over again his death,…and it was that thought that gave my life its fundamental direction in the doing of Christian work” (Rauschenbusch, “The Kingdom of God” in The Social Gospel in America, 1870–1920).

Rauschenbusch, who began his ministry with an orthodox view of salvation, would later become known as “the father of the social gospel.” Regrettably, once he became pastor in the Hell’s Kitchen district of New York City, he preached a different gospel, altering his Biblical message to address social ills such as poverty, unemployment, and malnutrition. In the process, Rauschenbusch lost his emphasis on Christ’s atoning sacrifice for the sinner.

Even today Christians tamper with the gospel message, as Rauschenbusch did, applying his ideas to our modern problems.


Qualifications For Para Church Board Members

I am currently working with my camp board on establishing criteria for new board members. We have discussed using the deacon as the biblical comparative. At present we are kind of stuck. What criteria do other groups use? Are they higher/lower/same as for church officers? Does your church look at the makeup of a organizations board when partnering with them? What would cause your church to decline partnering or dropping a group with regards to the board?


"...doctrinal statements really are more important than fashion statements."


Pyromaniacs’ Double Repost on the folly of chasing fashion trends in the name of relevance. Sample… “And why is it mainly the lowbrow and fringe aspects of Western youth culture that this argument is invariably applied to? Why are so few Christian young persons keen to give up video games and take up chess in order to reach the geeks in the chess club?


Shall We Observe Holidays?


Today (the day upon which I write this essay) is Maundy Thursday. Tomorrow will be Good Friday and this Sunday is Easter.


Survey: Fewer Protestant Believe in Global Warming


“41 percent of interviewees ‘strongly disagree’ ” that “global warming is real and manmade.” … “Pastors aren’t alone in their skepticism. A 2010 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed growing skepticism among the general American public.” Christian Post
