Satan's al-Qaeda in the Church

With the news of Osama Bid Liden being slain, memories of two books and a sermon series by a certain pastor on the subject of Spiritual Terrorism came to mind. This author is correct and the spiritual terrorists have bombed many in the evangelical movement, and do not mind bombing themselves and many into hell. Many christians do not recognize satan’s al-Qaeda and since many do not read their Bibles they are easily persuaded by the lies and bombs of the terrorists in the church.


I have a question about something that I saw at a Presbyterian led funeral.

I was at a funeral recently where a husband and wife were conducting the service at a funeral home. The two are co-pastoring their Presbyterian church. When they closed the service in prayer the female pastor placed her hand over (not on) the head of the deceased and the male pastor placed his hand on the casket near the feet of the deceased. They held this position through the duration of the prayer. I have never witnessed this prior to this event. I am wondering if this is something that they did on their own initiative or is this typical with in the Presbyterian practice?


Preaching Worth Listening To

An address to the American Association of Christian Colleges and Seminaries at their annual meeting, Feb. 2006. A PDF version is available at the PTC website.


Church Discipline Step 4 = Unbeliever and Condemned? Or No Comment?

Step 4 of church discipline is the removal of the person from the church. When the church does this to a man, what is the church saying about his destiny?

Matthew 18:17 says, “If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.” (ESV)

On the positive side, if he repents, you have gained a brother. You may judge him a believer.


How should the church respond to a professing Christian man who wears an earring and wants to become a member of the assembly?

Poll Results

How should the church respond to a professing Christian man who wears an earring and wants to become a member of the assembly?

Let him join and fully participate in the ministry. Votes: 24
Let him join, but limit his participation in the ministry (no leadership or teaching rolls). Votes: 5
Deny him membership. Votes: 0
Deny him membership and continually confront him about his sin until he either gets rid of the earring or leaves. Votes: 2


"An eruption in one of the fault lines sets of... a great deal of disagreement within the larger Southern Baptist fellowship."


Will SBC ‘fault lines’ lead to division or unity? “Using the term ‘fault lines,’ Lemke wrote that the SBC landscape includes such points of contention as greater Baptist identity vs. lesser Baptist identity; smaller churches vs. larger churches; anti-Great Commission Resurgence (GCR) vs. pro-GCR; majority Baptist theology vs.
