Was My Life Better Back Then? Why We Escape to the Past


“Such good old days are often talked about in passing, and most people agree how much better it would be if only we could return. We don’t realize the damage at stake in allowing our brains and hearts to live in this imagined land of yesteryear.” - Desiring God


Kevin DeYoung: Seven Principles for Cultivating a Christian Posture toward the World


“I’d like to zoom out and ask a broader question: What should the Christian’s posture be to a hostile world? Not surprisingly, the question does not allow for a simple answer. The message and model of the New Testament cannot be reduced to a single attitude or strategy. But there are important lessons to learn.” - DeYoung


Does Your Mind Wander in Prayer?


“This past weekend I participated at a conference on prayer … One of the questions I was asked during a Q & A time had to do with mind-wandering during prayer. …Here are ten suggestions that might help you when your mind starts to wander in prayer.” - Kindle Afresh


The Darkest Deception in the Church


“…we are hypocrites about being hypocrites. We hear the pastor mention the Pharisees during the Sunday sermon, and we smugly draw a bit of a caricature in our minds. The Pharisees are those other Christians we’ve known who ‘just don’t get it.’” - Ref21


Image of God conference: Model is incarnate Christ


“ ‘The Image of God: What It Means to Be Human in a Culture of Death’ – was cosponsored by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Land Center for Cultural Engagement and Stand for Life, an initiative of the … (ERLC).” - BPNews


Living as People of the Truth in a Post-Truth World


“Every generation since Adam and Eve has experienced forms of post-truth thinking, as humanity has attempted to rewrite the script of truth with their own opinions. As Proverbs says, ‘All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the spirits’ (16:2).” - Sara Barratt
