It Isn't an Accident

Many people yearn to make sense of their lives and this world. Why do things happen the way they do? Is it part of a plan? Is there no plan? Using the analogy of a train plodding its way along, there are at least three ways people often think of this world and their place:


The Value of Knowing Both Sides


“Most debates that we observe on television consist of two people trying to outshout and demonize each other. This is because it is much easier to dismiss opposing arguments than it is to understand them.” - Eternal Perspective


Did Google Create a Sentient AI or Just a Zombie?


“A Christian mystic priest and software engineer claims one of the world’s most powerful tech companies discriminated against his religious beliefs after he publicly proclaimed that an AI chatbot has become sentient.” - TGC


On Funerals, Cremation, and the Gospel


“I tell people that the Bible does not forbid cremation….However, when asked, I also express a preference for burial – not a conviction, but a preference.” - P&D


Rejecting the Ways of the Sluggard


“We must first see that the Bible takes a dim view of idleness. This is clear in how Proverbs speaks of the sluggard. The word is used 14 times in the book of Proverbs; thus painting a clear and unflattering picture” - byFaith


Business Ethics in a Pandemic


“…profit for business is like breathing for humans—both are necessary for existence, but very few of us claim that respiration is the ultimate purpose in life.” - IFWE


“Help! My Job Is Just a Job”


“Our work itself is an instrument of God’s grace, pushing back the corruptions of the fall through the influence of God’s character and care that we embody — even in the most pressured, difficult, secular, frustrating, and demoralizing workplaces.” - Brian Chapell


How to Starve Bitterness


“Bitterness is poison dipped in honey. It tastes sweet going down, then it kills us from the inside out. In this way, bitterness is the poster child for the deceitfulness of sin.” - TGC
