Christian Colleges Look for ‘Missing Men’


“Women in the US currently earn six out of every 10 degrees, and the gender gap has widened with the pandemic. Male undergraduate enrollment dropped by 5 percent in fall of 2020, compared to a less than 1 percent decrease among women.” - CToday


Does RNA Assembly on Glass Break Up the Case for a Creator?


“According to their model, RNA molecules would have assembled on early Earth when ocean water replete with ribonucleotides washed over pieces of glass located on volcanic islands. But a careful assessment of their work shatters this illusion.” -


To change unwanted thoughts, ask yourself questions


“You are an embodied soul. Your body responds to the content of your thoughts, and your thoughts are influenced by the state of your body. Becoming more aware of the interactions between your thoughts and body can help you form a plan.” - TGC


Not cancelled: Dr. Kristin Collier at Univ of Michigan


“Rather than bow to the pressure… medical school dean Marschall Runge defended the choice of Collier and the school’s commitment to freedom of expression. “Our values speak about honoring the critical importance of diversity of personal thought and ideas,” - Breakpoint


New Tools to Help Parents Navigate Teens’ Social Media Use


“The bipartisan ‘Kids Online Safety Act,’ which is currently before Congress, is an effort to address these realities by providing parents and kids with safeguards and tools to protect them, uncovering the ‘black box algorithms’ that can feed dangerous content, and creating a duty for social media platforms to prevent and mitigate harms” - IFS
