Repairing the Hole in Our Logic


“Sin has distorted all of God’s good gifts, including our intellectual faculties, so these must be sharpened and refined in the sanctification process lest we fail to comprehend and transmit God’s Word accurately. Restoring our reason is a requirement for the Christian life.” - Ken Brown


The Six Laws of Technology


“This was Kranzberg’s first law …. He understood that the impact of a technology would be determined by its geographic and cultural context. This means it can often be good and bad at the same time.” - C.Leaders


4 of the Most Misquoted Bible Verses


“I Can Do All Things…This short Bible verse is often quoted by sports teams, bumper stickers and tag lines as a rally cry to accomplish great things like running a marathon, climbing a mountain, winning the championship, finishing the remodel on the kitchen” - C.Leaders


R.C. Sproul on the Problem of Pain


“Whatever else evil is, it is not illusory. We experience the pangs of its impact, not only in an individual sense, but in a cosmic sense. The whole creation groans, we are told by Scripture, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.” - Ligonier


Help! Should I Enforce Nonsensical Rules at Work?


“Some of those regulations are good, some are impractical, and some are so poorly thought out they actually contradict one another. My boss has basically told us which regulations to follow and which to ignore.” - TGC


The Beauty of Duty


“In former days Christians spoke often of duty…. They longed to be dutiful in devotion, dutiful in obedience, dutiful in every responsibility and every role. They believed that from their duty would grow a deepening delight.” - Challies
