ERLC joins defense of religious liberty for nation’s oldest Jewish university


“The ERLC and a collection of nine Baptist, evangelical, Catholic or Mormon institutions filed a friend-of-the-court brief Sept. 2 that asked the high court to block enforcement of a state court’s order that required Yeshiva University to recognize officially a gay and transgender student group.” - C.Index


“Establish the Work of Our Hands”

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. (NKJV, Ge 2:15)

In all labor there is profit, But mere talk leads only to poverty. (NASB20, Pr 14:23)


FBBC Enrollment Climbs to Highest Level in Over a Decade

FBBC added 161 total new students this fall, filling the dorms to capacity and forcing the conversion of some Faith-owned apartments into student living space. The growing pains are a welcome challenge for Faith’s administration.

Faith News


How Do We Prepare Students for the Real World?


“We are looking at our job … through a shattered mirror where work, in its brokenness, is unrecognizable from God’s original design. And this is where our graduates find themselves soon after adjusting their tassel: not in their dream job” - IFWE


Bad News: Reading the News Too Much Is Terrible For Your Mental Health


“Some people get a little too caught up in the news, right? Not you, of course…. just in case, you might want to check into a new study from Taylor and Francis, that found compulsive news consumption is a true terror for your mental health and even takes a toll on your physical health.” - Relevant


Biblical Principles for New Managers


“I’ve recently been promoted…. I’m finding the transition challenging, especially since I need to manage my former colleagues. I understand why it’s hard for them to respect me—in some cases, they know more than I do! What’s the best way to approach this?” - TGC
