
I don’t have any grandchildren yet. I don’t have even have any married children yet though I will later this summer. But just as, before I got married and then had children, I looked at those ahead of me along the way to learn from them, I’m beginning to do the same thing with peers who are grandparents.


Recommendations and Reviews

Here’s our sticky thread for any home education resources that you have found helpful. It’s our One Stop Shop for reviews and recommendations for future reference.

  • curriculum
  • parental & teaching helps
  • websites
  • activities
  • legal resources

Don’t be shy about posting what has worked well for you and your family. You never know when some little thing will be a light bulb for someone else!



The “Switched On Schoolhouse” curriculum was mentioned in another thread. I’d be interested in hearing anything first-hand about it. I am still not satisfied with what we are doing…so I am getting a jump on next school year as early as I can. I looked at the web site, but I can’t tell…is the price for the 5-subject program also including texts/workbooks, or do you purchase those separately? I like the fact that there are free placement tests for Language Arts and Math.


Homeschoolers: curriculum?

Since we don’t yet have a homeschooler’s forum, I thought I’d put this here. We got some paperwork from K12 (the number actually appears as an exponent-sort of font in the logo). This is a public school online curriculum (yes, they have entire units on evolution—that much I figured out) that, for now anyway, is being provided free to residents in our state. Not clear yet exactly what “free” means…we are supposed to get a DVD that gives a run-down.


What to Look for in a Seminary

In The Nick of TimeBible colleges exist to train Christian workers. Seminaries exist to equip Christian leaders. If you want to be a good deacon, Sunday school teacher, or youth leader, then Bible college is adequate. If you want to be an effective pastor, missionary, church planter, or preacher, then seminary is very important. True, some men can minister well without attending seminary, but even they would be more effective if they had.


What Does Worldly Look Like? Part 3

The goal of these articles (Part 1, Part 2) is to challenge misconceptions about the world and worldliness by taking a fresh look at our authority, the Scriptures themselves. I’ve argued that the biblical concept of worldliness encompasses much more than the matters of fashion, entertainment, and material possessions that we fundamentalists tend to focus on when we use the term.


Development of a Philosophy of Christian Higher Education

At the SharperIron website, there are a number of Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries represented by contributing authors, forum administrators, members, and visitors. Now that a new academic year has just begun, it might be a useful exercise for us to reflect on our postsecondary institutions and consider why they do what they do. To get started, perhaps we should ask, “What is [insert the name of a given institution]’s ultimate goal, or mission?” The purpose of this article is to generate discussion on the development of a philosophy of Christian higher education.


What Does Worldly Look Like? Part 2

What Is Written

The meaning of “worldly” is a matter of some controversy. This is true even among people strongly committed to Christian living as defined in Scripture. Most agree that “worldly” means being like the world and that being like the world isn’t good. But from there, confusion multiplies.
