Summarizing The Season

It’s been an interesting year here in America with the economic and other challenges. In what ways have these challenges impacted the church where you serve? Has it been a tougher year? Has it been an easier year? Let’s share and then let’s care enough about what is shared to praise God as well as pray for one another.


Faith or Food Bank?

We are probably all familiar with the testimony of George Muller—praying for food when they had none at the orphanage, setting the table for breakfast, and as they were asking the blessing (in faith), food was delivered. Do you think this could be a more common occurrence if the faith of God’s people was greater? Should we not utilize things like food banks, but rather pray for God to provide? Does this mean there is a lack of faith if a Christian family finds themselves in great need and uses resources such as these (I am not talking about freeloaders or people who abuse it)?


Suicide....can a Christian do it?

In light of recent news, it has made me think about this subject of suicide. Can a Christian do this?

If you believe in the perseverance of the saints and God’s faithfulness to keep you from falling, how can a truly saved person do this?


Trade Business

Has anyone done any trade, whether import or export, domestic or international?

My friend and I are starting a business. We have done quite a bit of research, but like anything, you can never have too much information. So any helpful hints from anyone that has been in the business would be nice.


Would You Recommend/use Crown Financial Ministries?

I am interested in finding out from people who have used Crown Financial Ministries ( is their Website.)

They offer Church education materials, personal coaching and a fairly unique budgeting system.

If you are familiar w/them or have 1st hand experience w/them I would like to know…

1. How sound are they theologically

2. How helpful is their Financial education/advice (are they 2nd rate or as good/better than secular professionals)

3. How practical is their budgeting system.


Your Take on Mid Life Crisis

I’d like to hear your thoughts on “mid-life crisis,” including any resources you’ve found helpful. I have had a lot of hits on my blog resulting from a small posting I made regarding the wife’s role in encouraging her husband in the face of this. Do you think “mid-life crisis” a bogus claim? Is it just a name given to the normal struggle we sinners have with obedience, contentment, and allowing the love of Christ to rule in our hearts and affect our choices and desires? Is this simply the same “crisis” we all face every day in denying self and giving Christ preeminence in all things?



anyone here do “classical” homeschooling? like Classical Conversations or something? want to hear some opinions and ups and downs. i am very “bookish” myself, so i like it in that regard personally, but it also looks pretty intensive. any thoughts?


Christians and Mixed Martial Arts

Can Christians legitimately watch mixed martial arts? Participate? What Scripture, if any, would you consider applicable?
