The Viability of Standarized Testing

This isn’t just a topic for homeschoolers, but because many homeschoolers oppose mandatory standardized testing for their children, I’m putting it here.

Bro. Charlie says, “…Through the process of teaching standardized test prep courses, I have gone from believing that they are nearly arbitrary assessments to realizing that they are indeed the a phenomenal resource for assessing learning, second only to a personal interview with a tutor.”


Jay Mathews on Homeschool Regulations

Jay Mathews, Education Columnist for the Washington Post, recently wrote an article based loosely on the book Write These Laws On Your Children: Inside the World of Conservative Christian Homeschooling by Robert Kunzman. Mr. Kunzman is “an associate professor at the Indiana University School of Education and a former high school teacher, coach and administrator.


Church hunting in NY

Just fishing for information. Need a church in the West Point NY area. Does anyone know of a chruch that runs pickup to the USMA? I have a cadet there that would like more then the “watery” chapels on Sunday. But he can’t drive and not sure if he can leave base without a pass for services. Anyone with experience?



Anybody familiar at all with Ambleside Online? It is a free online Christian homeschool curriculum that is Charlotte Mason-style.


'Fooling' kids into learning, and other deceptions...

I could have put this thread in a couple of places, but since this is something I see frequently as a marketing tool to homeschoolers, I’m putting it here. I’ve seen descriptions and comments about education where it is implied or encouraged that one ‘fool’ their kids into learning. For instance, buying books and telling kids that these are your books, in order to tempt them into reading…stuff like that. I want to make learning fun and challenge my kids, but I don’t get the idea that it’s ok to ‘trick’ them in order to inspire them to learn.



I was reading this blog post at girltalk this morning, and realized that I go through these spells of not wanting to have anyone in my home for many of the reasons listed. It isn’t so much that I care about the house being in disarray- I joke around about my home decor theme being Rustic Library- but when life is hectic and the budget is tight, I crave peace and quiet, and my tightwad self just doesn’t want to splurge on extra food and desserts.


A Student's Prayer by John Knox

A Prayer To Be Said of the Childe, Before He Studie His Lesson

Out of the 119th Psalme. - Wherein shal the Child addresse his way? in guiding himselfe according to thy worde. Open myne eyes, and I shal knowe the merveiles of they Law. Give me understanding, and I shal kepe thy Law, yea I shal kepe it with mine whole heart.


Some thoughts on beverage alcohol

I perceive many here voicing an incredulity about the total abstention position taken by the many of Fundamentalist in the early parts of the 20th century and still voiced by “the old school” fundamentalists today.

I’ve gleaned these thoughts from the History Channel’s various programs on the liquor industry.
  • Before prohibition, many of the saloons were owned by the various breweries. Think of the English model of pub ownership.
  • In many jurisdictions, there was no minimum age for the purchase of alcohol.
