Pew Research: Darwin in America


“[A]bout one-in-five U.S. adults reject the basic idea that life on Earth has evolved at all. And roughly half of the U.S. adult population accepts evolutionary theory, but only as an instrument of God’s will.” - Pew Forum


What Is the Most Compelling Scientific Evidence of a Young Earth?


“In the several years since we initially received this question, young-earth creationists have produced many new materials….We have updated the answer with newer resources that will be of interest to those, like Tony, with questions about apologetics, intelligent design, and good resources to share with skeptics.” - AiG


When Christians Are Too Afraid to Hear Ben Shapiro Speak


“The school’s statement … claims that ‘our decision to cancel Shapiro’s speaking engagement is not a reflection of his ideologies or the values he represents, but rather a desire to focus on opportunities that bring people together.’ But de-platforming is inherently divisive.


Check Your Christian Liberty

“Christian liberty.”

What does that bring to your mind? Perhaps you’re thinking of those Facebook debates over the Christian’s use of alcohol or arguments over personal standards. Perhaps it conjures bitter memories of judgmental Christians and legalistic churches.

What if, when we thought of Christian liberty, it brought to mind ideas such as “love,” “God’s glory,” and “service”?


Hashtag stirs debate over role of Christian schools in US


“To critics, many of these Christian schools venture too often into indoctrination, with teachings that can misrepresent science and history and potentially breed intolerance toward people with different outlooks.” - RNS
