Bringing the Bible Back: Could Growing Public School Movement Backfire?


“A movement to start Bible classes in public schools is gaining ground. Seven states already recognize these classes and six more could soon follow….the same schools teaching their kids about sexuality and science would now teach them the Bible.” - CBN


From the Archives – Hey, I'm Just Being Honest!

We’ve all been there. Someone says something tactless, crass, slanderous—or all of the above, and the justification offered is, “Hey, I’m just being honest. Am I supposed to lie?!” No doubt, some of these “honest” folks are just posturing. But some seem to genuinely confuse the act of speaking one’s mind with the act of speaking honestly.

Yes, honesty, transparency and frankness are related. They share similarities—but so do cream of tartar, flour, and borax. Confusing similar things can have dramatic consequences.


How Jonathan Edwards Helped Save My Ministry


“Edwards’s theology of joy sustained him in ministry because he put joy at the center of his ministry. It’s the thread that’s woven through all of his theology.” - TGC


Christian Liberty and Love

The Apostle Paul responds to questions from the Corinthians in his first epistle. Chapter seven addresses concerns about marriage, and chapter eight with eating meat offered to idols. Although idol meat was the question, Paul’s answer leans heavily upon the underlying issue of Christian liberty. Some activities, though not sinful in themselves, should still be avoided because they harm others.


Faithful Parenting Is Successful Parenting


“Bettis’s book deals with many thorny parenting issues such as the reality of prodigal sons and daughters, how to teach children about the world, dealing with social media and electronics, explaining hypocrisy, and much more.” - TGC


The Social Media Censorship Dumpster Fire


“It’s incredibly reassuring to hear that flat-earthers and 9/11 truthers can also double as the speech police. Oh, and arguments about censorship decisions can get so intense that moderators would threaten supervisors with physical violence if they overruled their decision.” - National Review


An Examination of Hugh Ross’s List of “Creation Passages”


“Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe (RTB) frequently states that to understand properly how and when God created, one must consider all the creation passages in the Bible, not just the first few chapters of Genesis.” - AiG


CoRE Conference Addresses Gender, Sexuality, and the Church


“With almost 1,000 people registered for this year’s conference, including via webcast, there is already much excitement as BJU Seminary plans to hosts next year’s CoRE Conference on the topic ‘Faith, Justice, and the World.’” - GARBC
