The Path to Contentment


“no one is perfectly content to be the richest, most beautiful, or fastest either. Why? Because they know their time will soon be up” - Challies


How To Say “No”


“until we start staying no to some things, we’ll never have time to pursue the really important things.” - Phil Cooke


The Principle of the Open Hand

There is a dynamic that each of us must learn by experience that has the power to transform our understanding of the Christian life. I call it the principle of the open hand.

I have tried to determine who first enunciated this concept. Apparently, it traces to Martin Luther, who stated: “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.”


Responding to Persecution (Part 2)

In my previous post I introduced the subject of persecution and how the early church responded to it. As explained there, I’d like to take this post to summarize and extend an excellent discussion of Paul’s teaching on the subject in 1 Thessalonians by Michael Martin in the New American Commentary volume on Thessalonians.


CHEW Draws Massive Crowd of Homeschoolers

The Christian Home Educators of Wisconsin conference has grown steadily over its three years of existence—nearly doubling since the first installment in 2022.

This Thursday and Friday, April 4 and 5, it drew roughly 3,300 attendees from homeschool-friendly families and ministries to the colossal Kalahari Resort in Baraboo, Wis.—near Wisconsin Dells. The days were jam-packed with activities of all kinds, for all ages.


5 Symptoms of False Humility


“First, let’s examine what humility is. In Matthew 19:30, Jesus said, “Many who are first will be last, and the last first.’” - Lifeway
