On which day of the week did Jesus die?

Poll Results

On which day of the week did Jesus die?

Monday Votes: 0
Tuesday Votes: 0
Wednesday Votes: 2
Thursday Votes: 4
Friday Votes: 8
Saturday Votes: 0
Sunday Votes: 0
The Scripture are so unclear I cannot make a good guess Votes: 0
Other (you would think there’d be nothing left out, but I found it) Votes: 0


Does Prophecy Continue?

Did all the miraculous gifts of the Spirit, such as tongues and prophecy, cease with the completion of the New Testament? If we take the position that prophecy continues in some form, is such a view compatible with the conviction that God has given us all the authoritative revelation He intended to give (that the the canon of Scripture is closed)?


Favorite Commentary on Proverbs

I shortly plan to begin a brief series on Proverbs 18. I have Bridges, Keil and Delitzsch (since I have the set) and others, like JFB and John Gill. I am looking for something more modern that clearly exposits the text. I have the NICOT on several books, and I like the ones I have, but I know not all volumes in a set are equal. Any recommendations?
