Biblical Separation

What in your POV is the best book on Biblical Separation? I have the Dividing Line, but have thought about purchasing one of the following books that may be more practical rather than historical.

Be Ye Holy

Set Apart

Set apart was written by a Conservative Evangelical and not a Fundamentalist, so am not sure how well he will communicate the subject. But the book looks to be good. The doctrine of separation is such a needed and unfortunately not touched very much in most churches (outside of Fundamentalist circles).



Displaying Credentials

I cannot remember the verse he used, but John Piper as example, does not put up his plaques from college for all to see, but rather puts them away in a box. The idea is pride, and perhaps he used the one referring the pharisees doing their good deeds to be seen of men.

However, Paul boasted of his shipwrecks, being in the cold, and whipped.

With that out of the way, to the question:


Gog from Magog

The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him and say, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. (NKJV, Ezekiel 38:1–3)

The approximate time of the invasion of Israel’s land by Gog from Magog (Ezek. 38:2) remains a debatable question among pre-tribulational theologians.

Three options are available. First, some place an invasion at the very beginning of the 70th week (i.e., the coming seven-year tribulation, which follows the rapture of the church; see Dan. 9:27). A second possibility would be just before the middle of that week. Thirdly, some place it at the end of the week.

For several reasons, the second option, namely an invasion just before the middle of the 70th week, seems to involve the fewest problems.

The first and third options face the very difficult problem of having Gog entering the Holy Land (“the midst of the land,” Ezek. 38:12) when its inhabitants “dwell safely” (Ezek. 38:8, 11, 14) in “unwalled villages” (v. 11).

The third option is immediately eliminated because at the end of the great tribulation period the Jews will have been driven out of the land (Matt. 24:15-22, Rev. 12:13-17).


"While it may appear as though theological debate today is more polarized than ever, in fact it is perhaps as civil as it's ever been."


“What few of us realize is that when we press those ‘Publish,’ ‘Post,’ ‘Comment,’ and ‘Send’ buttons, we are making the shift away from merely ‘believing’ truth and stepping into the arena of publishing that belief. In doing so we are effectively assuming a position of leadership and teaching that prior to 2004 was not available to us.” Not Many of You Should Presume to be Bloggers


Outlets for magazine articles

I don’t know of many independent fundamental Christian magazines. In fact, I only know of one: the FBFI’s Frontline. I’ve sent a few articles to them, but I am wondering if there are others. Do any of the rest of you write magazine articles, and where do you send them?


What are you working on?

Just thought I’d ask other aspiring Christian writers what kinds of projects your working on.

I have one article almost ready, a novel idea with two characters fleshed out but not sure where I want them to go, another bare-bones idea for a novel, and a couple of ideas for devotional-type books. I’m not sure when or if the “ideas” will get beyond that point, but I take them out and fiddle with them now and then.

How about you?
