A Parable for thinking about God's sovereignty and Man's responsibility

You’re going to visit a friend. His house across a huge snow-covered field, so he says you will have to drive his truck from the road to his house. And he tells you to avoid hitting any of his trees and bushes. Crossing the field, you turn several times. Once to avoid a large pit, once to avoid a bear that runs across your path, once because your hand slips on the wheel, making the truck veer slightly, a few times because you just felt like swerving, and once because you decided to drive over a bush.


The People of the God of Abraham

At a time when the daily news trumpets the latest political scandal, our Facebook walls vomit forth more madness, our Twitter feeds grow ever darker, and the comment boxes on our favored websites grow more vile by the moment, a Christian ought to pause to consider the end-game. Christ will return, and there will be true peace on earth for all those with whom He’s favored. Then, on that day, there will be no more “fake news,” no more victimized gymnasts, no more predatory medical doctors — no more sin at all. Christ declared to the Apostle John, “Behold, I make all things new!” (Rev 21:5).
