Theology Thursday - Billy Graham on Ecumenical Evangelism

In the Summer of 1957, Billy Graham came to Madison Square Garden in New York City. In this excerpt from his autobiography,1 Graham discussed the opposition he received from fundamentalists prior to this Crusade, and his own reasoning for doing ecumenical evangelism:


"Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible".

I just finished reading Mark Ward’s book “Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible”. As someone who has lived in nearly every “camp” on the issue (including KJVO and KJVP), I found it to be liberating. Ward’s conclusion is that our search and arguments over a “best” translation are better served by seeking more useful translations. I recall my early days as a Christian and finding great benefit in using and Amplified Bible as well as an NAS Bible.


Review: Toxic Charity

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Charity and missions are apples and oranges, in my mind. Missions is about the great commission, planting churches, and making disciples. Offering a meal to the poor, in contrast, is an act of mercy. I can argue the point that missions is the more important of the two, but this is not the place to do so. The two can work together (as in the case of a rescue mission) but they are typically distinct.


Notes from the December 1887 Sword and Trowel

The very first thing must be to speak up for our orphans concerning their treat for Christmas. Just before leaving England we had boys and girls together, such a company, and we had a little treat; but we promised that, whether C. H. S. could be with them on Christmas-day or not, we would try and make it a glorious day for them. Will our friends again bedeck the tables of the fatherless on the day of universal joy? The friend who used to give a new shilling to every orphan is not now able to do it: for which we are truly sorry.


Theology Thursday - Landmark Baptists

James R. Graves popularized the so-called “Landmark Baptist” movement in the United States in the mid-19th century. Here, in this excerpt from his landmark work (pun intended) entitled Old Landmarkism – What is it?, we see Graves explain his position.1

Facts Taken For Granted:
