The Parameters of Meaning – Rule 10

Read the series.

Parameters of Meaning – Rule 10: Never interpret the Bible via assumptions based on extra-biblical data (e.g. “science”, philosophy, history). These can help but they should never preempt Scripture.

This “parameter” is of course just a reiteration of the principle of the Sufficiency of Scripture, although the emphasis is upon the whole of Scripture’s content, not just that pertaining to the doctrines of our salvation.


Communicable Attributes: God is Love so Dwell in Love


“Widows and Widowers will often say, ‘You marry me, you marry my kids.’ When I see my [second] wife’s love for my children I know she loves me. So too with God and His children. Loving our Christian brethren is John’s context and main referent for 1 John 4:8, 16.” - Ref21


“Who’s to say that God didn’t miraculously reveal Himself to a pizza delivery driver as she was being rescued from a ravine in South Carolina? I certainly don’t have that right.”


“We live in an age depleted of mystery…. For many of us, while paying lip service to God’s ability to perform miracles (as if He needs our encouragement a la clapping for Tinkerbell), our reality is more akin to the prayer warriors praying for Peter’s release from prison.” - John Ellis


Atheodicy: The Problem of Evil without God


“if, as some conclude, there is no God, the Problem of Evil remains. Indeed, it intensifies, to the point of becoming unbearable. This is the challenge of ‘atheodicy.’ So says University of San Diego law professor Steven Smith in his Public Square article entitled Injustice, Outrage, and the Problem of Atheodicy.” - Veith


Against Sawdust Theology

While I studied for a recent sermon, which was titled “Singing the Ballot Blues: What Should a Christian Think About Voting?” I browsed through some systematic theologies to read what they have to say about hope in the context of eschatology.

Hope in a better time. Hope in a better king. Hope in a better place. Hope in a better future. Hope in a restoration of all things. Hope in judgment, mercy and holiness.


The Alpha-Male Style in American Evangelicalism


“In her recent book, Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, Calvin University historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez situates Gothard and Piper in a long line of white, alpha-male leaders whose devotion to a militant Christian patriarchy and nationalism inevitably led to…” - Christianity Today


Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and the Christian


“The closest thing we uncover to a near-death experience in Scripture is Stephen’s martyrdom in the book of Acts. … we find Stephen’s eyes being open to events in heaven just before he was killed.” - AiG


A Field Guide on False Teaching


“Its format is simple, but effective. Part one deals with popular pseudo-Christian false teachings: the prosperity gospel, deism, and the twin threats of legalism and antinomianism…Part two turns to cults—to some of the counterfeit religions that integrate elements of the Christian faith with the aberrant teachings of the cult’s founder or leaders.” - Challies
