Short Review of ‘Three Views on Israel and the Church’

A Review of Three Views on Israel and the Church: Perspectives on Romans 9-11, Jared Compton & Andrew David Naselli, Editors, Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2018, 266 pages, pbk.

It might be thought that a debate book on just three chapters in one of Paul’s epistles would only be of interest to a marginal group of specialists. However, the chapters in question are central to the vital theological and hermeneutical issue of the relationship between the nation of Israel and the Christian Church.


LifeWay inks out-of-court agreement with former CEO Thom Rainer


“In practical terms, [the agreement] means that Rainer, who had signed a book deal with a competing Christian publisher, would refrain from publishing until November 2021, when his noncompete clause with LifeWay expires.” - RNS


Risk, Uncertainty, and the Lies We Tell Ourselves about the Difference


“John Kay and Mervyn King seek to resurrect for day-to-day decision-making the significance of distinguishing between risk and uncertainty in Radical Uncertainty. They press the relevance and significance of the older distinction between decision-making under risk and decision-making under uncertainty.” - Law & Liberty


Honesty and Dishonesty; Inerrancy and Errancy


“An ex-evangelical acquaintance of mine recently posted a link to an academic journal article critiquing inerrantist biblical scholars. It contained this paragraph…” - Mark Ward


LifeWay: Rainer lawsuit being paused, not dropped


“After seeming to reverse course on a lawsuit against former president and CEO Thom Rainer, LifeWay Christian Resources says it will not officially withdraw its legal action against the SBC entity’s retired chief executive.” - BPNews


Redefining the faith? Leonardo Boff on eternal generation and procession

I’ve been reading Leonardo Boff’s work Trinity and Society. Boff is a Roman Catholic liberation theologian who may or may not be a Marxist. This is perhaps the most thought-provoking book on the Trinity I’ve yet read; right up there with Jurgen Moltmann’s Trinity and the Kingdom. Both these gentlemen are social trinitarians. They had a formative influence on Millard Erickson’s own monograph on the Trinity, which is excellent.


Revelation 19:15 and the Coming Reign of Jesus over the Nations

I often have been drawn to Revelation 19:15. This verse comes in the middle of Revelation 19:11–21, a dramatic section describing Jesus’ second coming from heaven to earth. Concerning Jesus the verse reads:

From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations; and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.
