God Is Never Absent: Omnipresence


“[T]he angels and demons are also spirits, but they are not omnipresent. This is because God is the infinite Spirit, that is, His ‘spiritness’ is infinite; it’s not bound by physical space because He is not physical and is not bound by physical realities or created dimensions.” - Ref21


The Parameters of Meaning – Rule 9

I was wondering what I ought to write about when I stumbled upon my old unfinished series on The Parameters of Meaning. I think these parameters are quite helpful guides for interpreters, but I clean forgot about them. Well, I’m going to try to put things right! Here’s “Rule 9” with a link to the previous eight:


Book Review: The Reformed Pastor

Richard Baxter’s work The Reformed Pastor was first published in 1656 and is commonly considered a classic. Many seminaries recommend the book, and most pastors with graduate training are aware of it. J.I. Packer penned the introduction for the Banner of Truth edition, and after studying the work one can appreciate why Packer was forced to acknowledge the following (10-11):


God Not Divided: Simplicity


“Divine simplicity is the doctrine which states: God is what God is, simply. God is not composed of parts. God’s essence is not parceled out piece by piece….Because God is one and undivided, we can rest secure that since God is for us, no one can be against us.” - Ref21


New American Standard Bible 2020 Update


“The NASB 2020 is an important update because it utilizes advances in biblical scholarship over the past 25 years and it incorporates changes necessary to keep pace with the ever evolving English language. This refreshed text is designed to speak accurately and clearly to current and future generations.” - Lockman Foundation


Catholics in Britain launch campaign against using ESV Bible at mass


“Some Catholic women in Britain are backing an online petition that urges the Church’s leadership in England and Wales to reverse their decision to use the ‘gender-exclusive’ English Standard Version of the Bible (Catholic edition), instead of the Jerusalem Bible translation, at mass.” - C.Post


The Chronicles of Narnia Still Grips Our Imagination, 70 Years Later


“As this month marks the 70th anniversary of the publication of C. S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Christians would do well to ask whether The Chronicles of Narnia might show us the way to address the generations to come.” - TGC
