"Horrific mass shootings aren’t the only sign that the world is pining under the effects of sin and darkness."

But some Christmas songs seem painfully fitting: “Long lay the world in sin and error pining.” And this plea: “O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan’s tyranny.” Dark Day


[Chip Van Emmerik]

[DrJamesAch] Under federal law, there is a mandatory 7 day waiting period to clear the purchase of a gun after mandatory background checks are done. Also, one must have what is called a “FOID” (kind of like a drivers license for a gun) card which itself normally takes about 30 days to get which one must have prior to buying a gun. So altogether the process to own a gun takes at least a minimum of 37 days, but the ATF has been short on staff for process of these documents so the wait has been much longer than normal.
This waiting period only applies to purchases made in a licensed store. Private purchases and those made at gun shows currently have no waiting period or background check requirement.

Aye, mate, good catch, I did not think about that.

Dr James Ach

What Kills You Makes You Stronger Rom 8:13; 7:24-25

Do Right Christians, and Calvinisms Other Side


You are insinuating that I am drunk or mad?

Firstly when I was converted the judgment of perpetual drunkenness was lifted from me. I have been tea total since 10:30am on July 17th 1999.

Secondly to call a man mad or a fool is to bring yourself in danger of hell fire.

Now if you’d care to answer why it is you this fear that the Almighty may choose that your life and the life of your family would end in such a violent way?

I did not say that the Almighty chose to bring that scenerio about, I said IF someone were to enter my house with that intention, they would be met by a .45 ACP. Much like IF you were to make a comment like that to my face there’s a strong possibility you would be unable to eat any solid food for about 6 months. Proverbs 18:6

And I am not insinuating anything, I’m stating it as a fact that your chimney is clogged, your belt is not going through all the loops, and the cheese has slidden of your crackers.

Dr James Ach

What Kills You Makes You Stronger Rom 8:13; 7:24-25

Do Right Christians, and Calvinisms Other Side

[Huw] The Eternal Almighty is the first cause of all things that come to pass. This being the case, why do you think he wants to destroy you and your family and do so in such a violent way?

I believe that weapons of war and destruction are to be in the hands of those that serve in the ”armed” forces. Not in the hands and homes of civilians with a mind set such as yours.

Once again, you state what you believe without any biblical support - even failing to provide a proof text that has been forcibly wrenched from its scriptural context and moorings. Furthermore, you are a hypocrite. On what basis is it right for a nation to authorize deadly force for defense by armed forces but wrong for an individual to do the same? Secondarily, don’t you trust “the Eternal Almighty (who) is the first cause of all things that come to pass?” Why does a nation need an army or navy? “Why do you think (God) wants to destroy you and your family and do so in such a violent way?” Your arguments would just be sadly pathetic if they weren’t so dangerous to both scripture and human life.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

Are you a pastor? I ask because you don’t seem to be equipped to be called pastor. Calling the sheep names and firing accusations as if you’re on full automatic is not the fruit of a pastor.

Would you please supply me with new testament proof that bearing arms for self defense is acceptable…as a pastor of course.

The fact that Messiahs warning that those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword should be taken into consideration.

Every blessing, H.

… as productive as a teeter-totter ride.


Are you a pastor? I ask because you don’t seem to be equipped to be called pastor. Calling the sheep names and firing accusations as if you’re on full automatic is not the fruit of a pastor.

Would you please supply me with new testament proof that bearing arms for self defense is acceptable…as a pastor of course.

The fact that Messiahs warning that those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword should be taken into consideration.

Every blessing, H.

Yes, I am an elder - though not currently a senior pastor. Of course Jesus, the Good shepherd, was not against labels and accusations when they fit, so I don’t think His undershepherds need worry about another misappropriated and misdirected charge from you - it is apparent you know nothing more about the scriptural instruction for the pastorate than you know about the Christian and guns. I am not rehashing this entire thread to satisfy your obstinance. You have been provided ample scripture already to both disprove your position and prove the opposite from scripture. If you are sincere, reread the thread and interact with the scripture presented; if you are just trying to avoid the scripture again I shall not cast further pearls before swine.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

I just went through all your comments and you haven’t given one verse authorizing the use of force for self- or any other form of- protection in the new testament. You can’t do this because such verses don’t exist.


I went back through the thread. You have refused to engage with scripture quotes and/or principles I presented in posts 51 and 101. You have also refused to engage with scripture quotes and/or principles presented by others in posts 27, 31, 32, 33, 53, 60, 62, 64, 86, 112 and 113. Instead you have twisted and proof texted scripture, presented completely disjointed arguments and contradicted yourself repeatedly. It is obvious you have no desire to understand or submit to scripture, but only in pushing your personal agenda. The Lord rebuke you now.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

…rebuke me now? Are you being serious? You’ve done nothing but rebuke me throughout this and other threads. It’s far, far to late to pull that one out of the hat. Unless of course you concede that there is no scriptural evidence for your stand point and you have scraped the bottom of the barrel in trying to sound spiritual.

Never mind about others. I’ve asked you to provide proof of your so called stand point and you have consistently bottled out.

Either do so or admit that you have no scriptural authority or leading.


…rebuke me now? Are you being serious? You’ve done nothing but rebuke me throughout this and other threads. It’s far, far to late to pull that one out of the hat. Unless of course you concede that there is no scriptural evidence for your stand point and you have scraped the bottom of the barrel in trying to sound spiritual.

Never mind about others. I’ve asked you to provide proof of your so called stand point and you have consistently bottled out.

Either do so or admit that you have no scriptural authority or leading.

I have repeatedly tried to engage with the conversation, from scripture. You refuse. Hence, there has been no conversation, only your wild, random assertions. If you want to talk, go back and deal with what’s already on the table.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

Let’s all please take a step back from the personal attacks. If that means stepping out entirely because all productive argumentation is finishede, that’s fine, but if you are sticking around, please stay with the arguments rather than going after one another personally. Consider this a gentle nudge in the conversation.

Thank you.

Dave Barnhart